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Chemical change, oxygen binds with iron.

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Q: Is iron nail rusts in water a chemical change or a physical change?
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Is iron rusts chemical or physical?

Chemical reaction from water

Is a car rusting a physical or a chemical?

It's a chemical change; a car rusts because the iron on the car's surface react with oxygen and water to form iron oxides.

When iron rusts is that a chemical or physical change?

It is a chemical change, the iron is being oxidized and forming rust. A good way to think about it is if you can undo it then it is a physical change. For example if you put salt in water, that is a physical change because you can boil off the water and get the salt back. Source: AP Chemistry

Is iron rusting a chemical or physical change?

Iron rusting is a chemical change: oxidation of the metal by oxygen in the air or water. When iron 'rusts' it oxidises. This is a chemical change, a physical change is when a molecule changes state, for example iron melting and going from a solid to a liquid.

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Boiling water is a physical change because it does not change the chemical composition of the water.

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Ocean water is a substance, not a physical or chemical change.

Is making water glow a chemical change or a physical change?

It is a chemical change

Is reactivity with water a physical or chemical change?

This is a physical change. The bubbles are pockets of steam which is the same chemical as water, just in a different state.

Is stitching of cloth a physical change?

yes. the difference between a physical change and a chemical change is this: physical change changes its looks but it can be changed back. a chemical change changes its state of form and it can't be changed back. ex: an ice cube melting into water. you can always put the water in the freezer and it comes back as ice. but if metal rusts, there is no way you can change it back. so you can get a perfessional or a special cleaning device to remove the dye plus its still a cloth; therefore, it is a physical change.

Is frozen water a physical property?

Yes it is a Physical Change because although it is frozen, it is still water. A chemical change produces a new substance like an iron skillet that rusts. But a physical change means you start out with a substance or even two substances like water and sugar, and even though it is put together it remains water and sugar. Hope this helps!!