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Quel âge ("âge" is a masculine noun, "quel" is the masculine pronoun)

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Q: Is it Quel âge as-tu or Quelle âge as-tu?
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Related questions

How do you use quel quelle in french?

quelle is feminine and quel is masculin.

How do you respond to Quel age-astu?

Quel âge as-tu? means - How old are you? so you answer by saying 'J'ai......ans'

How do you say how old something is in french?

"quel âge a [cette chose]""de quelle année est ..."quel âge a ta voiture ? de quelle année est ta voiture ?"de quelle époque est ..."de quelle époque est ce château = what time was that castle founded?

Quelle age a tu?

Quel âge as-tu? - How old are you?

How do you say What is your age in french?

quel âge as-tu / avez-vous ? quel est ton âge ?

How do you ask what in french language?

quoi? quel/quelle/quels/quelles

What does quel jolie means in english?

quel joli (masc.) / quelle jolie (fem.) means 'what a pretty ...noun)' in French.

Quelle fromage est-il?

Quelle fromage est-il ? isn't grammatically correct in French. Quelle heure est-il (what time is it) is correct, but fromage is a masculine word, so the pronoun is also masculine : quel. Correct questions could be : 'quel fromage est-ce' (what cheese is it?) or 'quel est ce fromage' (what is this cheese ?).

What does quelle mean?

It's the feminine form of quel which means whichWhich house is yours? - Quelle maison est à vous ?

What does quelle age as tu mean?

Quel âge as-tu ? means How old are you?

What does ii a quel age mean?

il a quel âge means "how old is he?" in English.

What is what in French?

Français (French)pron. - qu'est-ce qui, qu'est-ce que, que, quoi, ce que, ce qui, combien, quoi ?, combien ?, comment ?, n'est-ce-pas/non ? (question tag)det. - quel/quelle, quel/quelle (excl), tout ce que, le peu queadv. - combien, dans quelle mesure, comment, pourquoi, pour quelle raisonadj. - lequel, quel, ce que, ce qui, quel/quelle (excl)conj. - qui, que (fam)int. - quoi (excl), comment (excl) go to www.musaalio.webs.comor else p.s. it tells what what is in french