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Of course. It happens on the streets of Israel ... where Hebrew is the official language

but the population is 24% non-Jewish ... thousands of times every day.

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Q: Is it acceptable for a non Jew to say Shalom to a Jew?
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Do they say salam in Israel?

An Arab, a Jew, or a Christian greeting an Israeli Arab say "Salaam". An Arab, a Jew, or a Christian greeting an Israeli Jew say "Shalom". Those words have the same origin and the same meaning.

Is it acceptable for a man to say shalom to a woman?

Yes. The word just means peace. Anyone can say it to anyone.

How do you respond to shalom?

You say shalom back. Shalom means hello. If you say "Shalom Shalom," it means mays Bye bye.

What to say when someone says shalom?

Shalom is not a language, but it is a word in Hebrew. The word shalom literally means 'peace' and is used to say both hello and goodbye.

How do you greet a Jew?

You could say shalom. However, most Jews would give you a strange look. Just say hello the same way you would anyone else.

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How do you say shabbat shalom in french?

You don't. You only say Shabbat shalom in Hebrew. If you are asking how French Jews greet each other on Shabbat, they say "Shabbat Shalom"

Different ways to say shalom in Hebrew?

If you want to say 'hello' back, you simply respond in "shalom". If you want to ask the person how is he doing, you say "Ma Nish'ma?" (for both male and female).

Why is it acceptable for a Christian to marry a Jew but not a Muslim?

It's hard to say. I just know that interfaith marriages have more problems.

What do you say back if someone says shabbot shalom?

You say "Shabbat shalom" right back to them.

Is it proper say Shalom Shabbat in reply to Shabbat Shalom?

Yes, that's the customary response.

How do you say peace in Israel?

In Hebrew you say "Shalom" for piece.