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Q: Is it dangerous to grow plants inside?
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Do plants grow better inside or out side?

well of course plants grow better inside because you can have you-know-what with it inside but outside its lonely. simple.

How do people grow plants inside plastic greenhouse?

People grow plants inside a plastic greenhouse the same way they do inside a glass one. Plastic ones work in the same way and allows plants to grow better than in the outdoors because of the humidity created.

What plants grow in Carlsbad Caverns?

I don't think any grow inside it!

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Do a inside plant grow better inside or outside?

Plants grow better in a greenhouse. My grandma owns one and they grow much better in a greenhouse.

Do plants grow better outside or inside HYPOTHESIS?

Is hypoesies indoor or outdoor plants

Can plants grow inside the rocks?

I don't think there is a chance. Sorry!

What plants are grown inside?

YOu can grow any plant in the right conditions

Can you use seeds inside of fruit to grow plants?

usually, yes.

Do plants grow better inside than outside procedure?


Can you use seeds inside of a pepper to grow plants?

Yes stupid

What is inside fertilizer that helps plants grow?

It is generally the Nitrogen, Phosphorus and Potash ratio in the soil that helps the plants to grow, if light and water are not limiting factors.