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There is no reason to wait to get pregnant after stopping birth control. It is not harmful to do so.

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Q: Is it harmful to get pregnant right after stop birth control?
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If I want to get pregnant when should I stop taking birth control?

right away the sooner the better.

How long till you can get pregnant after you stop taking birth control?

normal monophasic birth control pills are out of your system apprx 24 hour after you stop taking them. Not that you will necessarily get pregnant right away, but the possibility exists that soon.

Can a girl get pregnant right after her period is finished?

Yes, a woman can get pregnant directly after her period. Unless you want to get pregnant you should always use birth control.

Is it likely to get pregnant right after a miscarriage?

It can happen. If you don't want to get pregnant you should always use a condom and/or a reliable method of birth control.

Does diarrhea affect birth control?

Believe it or not, it can. It all depends on how quickly stuff is moving through your system. If your birth control is going right through you and not getting absorbed, you could get pregnant.

What happens when you go on birth control?

It will tweak you body's hormone balance into a state where you can't get pregnant - if you take them right.

Can you get pregnant if you put the birth control patch on four hours late?

No, you just need to change the patch on the right day, not at the right hour.

If you have a 5-7 day period will birth control be right for you?

Yes birth control will be right for you.

If you take the pill for a month get a couple regular periods then miss one what are the chances you are pregnant?

If you took birth control for one month and had a few periods then you need to see your doctor and change birth control. It doesn't sound like you are on the right type of birth control pills for you - hence the extra periods. You do need to perform a pregnancy test as there is a possibility you may be pregnant.

What happens to a woman's reproductive system during birthing?

Unless you breast feed, you can get pregnant the next day. So after birth you must use birth control right away.

How to get pregnant while on birthe controle?

The easiest way to get pregnant while on birth control would be to use the birth control product incorrectly. Most birth control methods are only effective if used right and simple mistakes can result in unexpected pregnancies. Even when used right no birth control method is perfect and you can still fall pregnant in rare cases.From the phrasing of your question though it sounds like you want to get pregnant without the father's consent. That's clearly a bad thing to do and if you think it will make him stay with you and love you more then you'd probably be suprised to find out the opposite is more common and while he might not "run a mile", the relationship will probably not work out.

Can you get pregnant from pre-ejaculate if you're on the birth control pill?

Yes you can, but the chances of you becoming pregnant while taking the pill and using a condom is very small. All birth control is only about 99% effect. As long as you use it right and take you pills right you should be fine.