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No you are both adults and do as you wish.

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Q: Is it illegal for a 19 year old girl to date a 20 year old male in the state of Texas?
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Is it illegal or legal for a 15 year old girl to date an 18 year old boy without parental consent in the state of Texas?

Yes doesnt make illegal or legal?

Is it illegal for a 16 year old boy to date a 13 year old girl in Texas?

No, it is only illegal when you are over 18, its not illegal to date anyone younger or either older than you

Is it legal for an 18-year-old boy to date a 13-year-old girl in the state of Texas?

Dating is not illegal. Any sexual contact would be illegal. And why an 18 year old would want to date a 13 year old? Only one reason and that is illegal and will land him in jail.

Is it legal for an 19-year-old boy to date a 17-year-old girl in the state of Texas?

It may be ok to "date" a 17 year old, but having a sexual relationship with her is illegal and is called statuatory rape.

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Is it illegal for a 15 year old boy to date a 18 year old girl in Illinois?

No, it is not illegal for a 15 year old boy to date an 18 year old girl in the state of Illinois. However, it is technically illegal for them to have any sexual contact.

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No it is illegal.

Is it illegal for an 18-year-old boy to date a 15-year-old girl in the state of Missouri?


Can a 17 year old girl date a 27 year old boy in the state of Texas?

can but should not

Is it illegal for a fourteen year old girl date a 18 year old boy?

It is not illegal for them to date, but is is illegal for them to have sex.

What state has the most illegal immigrants?

Bell flower. This girl named Jenny lives there and her family including her, are immigrants.

Is it illegal for a 14 year old girl to date a 17 year old guy in Texas?

There are no laws regarding dating in Texas. There are laws regarding sexual contact, and he is taking a risk of being accused of illegal activity, even if nothing happens.