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There are no laws about what age you have to be to date, so it is legal. There are laws about sexual activity depending on the state. In most places you have to be at least 16 to consent, if not 17 or 18.

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14y ago

no not as long as you dont have the sexay

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Q: Is it illegal to date an eighteen year old if this person is sixteen and will be seventeen soon?
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Can a person the age of sixteen date a person of the age of eighteen with no legal consequences?


Can a person who is seventeen be held for violation of probation from when they were sixteen?

Yes, you don't 'age-out' of a criminal violation conviction.

Is it legal for a 17 year old to be dating a 13 year old with no sexual acts involved?

yes this would be legal. The only illegal thing would be if two people had sex and one is eighteen or older and the other one is seventeen or younger. Than the eighteen year old or older person could get in legal trouble.

Can a parent in Indiana stop you from dating a person who is over eighteen when your sixteen?

Probably not considering the age of consent is 16 in Indiana.

Is it illegal for a person over eighteen to date a person under eighteen?

Yes it is because when you hit the age 18 you are considered a adult and a person under 18 is considered a child so therefore that is against the law.

Is a seventeen year old person considered an adult in Georgia if they're living with a person over eighteen?

{| |- | Not unless they are married. They are not considered an adult. The age of majority is 18. And there is not an emancipation statute in Georgia. |}

Can juvenile court can hear cases involving persons under the age of eighteen?

Juvenile courts only hear cases with the person(s) being under the age of seventeen to eighteen, although, if the person(s) has done one of the seven deadly sins crimes, that particular person(s) can be tried as an adult.

Can a sixteen year-old legally have a will?

That depends on your particular jurisdiction. However, generally a person must be of sound mind and at least eighteen years of age to make a will.

When can a person in Victoria legally get married?

If by Victoria you mean the Australian state, and not the English one, then females can be as young as fourteen - men, sixteen. However, you will have to have your parent's and judge's/magistrate's permission. Once a female becomes sixteen, she will then only need a parent's permission, and it is entirely her decision after eighteen years of age (likewise with a male eighteen-year-old).

Can a eighteen year old go out with sixteen year old a in Texas?

Probably not. Cause he/she might be older than that person. So you might want to ask your parents.

If you move out at 17 can your guardian do anything?

They can look for you and file a missing persons file. At seventeen you are still under their constraint. They can punish you and such. If the person is seventeen their best option is to wait till they turn eighteen. If you absolutely cannot wait, try to move in with a relative for a while and tell them the situation.

What can an eighteen year old do about a deadbeat dad who is in arrears sixteen years?

If a person commits criminal offense then voluntary admits himself into a mental heath facility, can the police go arrest him.