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No, because the private servers aren't linked to Runescape at all.

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Q: Is it illegal to play Runescape Private Servers?
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Related questions

Are Private Servers illegal to play or own one?

I don't think it is ILLEGAL to play Private Servers. However, to own a Private Server is illegal.

What are RuneScape private servers used for?

Runescape private servers are private servers where players can play the browser MMO with a select few. Sometimes the servers will have mods added to them which make gameplay different.

Is World of Warcraft private servers illegal?

Technically, private servers are illegal for World of Warcraft. Nevertheless, many people still play on private servers.

Do RuneScape private servers rock and are they better than RuneScape?

"no, they suck and they are not fun. Many have bad graphics and they are illegal. better off playing runescape by Jagex." That is incorrect to say. Private servers are not 100% illegal. There is no proof that they "suck", in fact, may people enjoy private servers because they are easier to play, and allow you to access many items in a much more free world. Graphics depend on how much time the maker of the Private server spent on it. Some look good, some look bad. Easy as that. And the whole point of him/her asking this question was probably so they could not play Runescape by Jagex.

Is it possible to play a runescape private server on wii?

No it isn't possible to play RuneScape private servers on the Wii, let alone the real RuneScape game. They are thinking of bringing it onto consoles...wait and see!

What java do you need to play runescape private servers?

u need jdk to play rune scape private server

What are RuneScape private servers and what are they used for?

A Runescape Private server is a player owned version of runescape pretty much, and they are used for players who can't afford to play the main runescape or who are not good at the main runescape to have their own little fun.

Why can't you play runescape private server on windows 7?

You can't? Then try see if your computer has problems - my computer is a Windows 7 and it has no problems with Runescape private servers.

How do you make a rs private servar?

Runescape private servers are ILLEGAL!If you get caught using one, which you will, you will get in SERIOUS trouble with Jagex.Refrain from using them, play like everyone else. Do not use them.Jagex may choose to procecute if you get caught! Play it safe, and simply play with everyone else!

Are all Maplestory private servers banned?

Not really "Banned" just illegal for Nexon Corporation has declared them illegal, You can play them but I suggest you not play. It's illegal.

Where can you play runescape private servers like moparscape but different?

Try doing a search for Dodian, just a suggestion.

Is it illegal to play Maplestory private servers?

should i just say yes or slap you first