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" Rumors? " It is a civil offense to libel someone in states I know about. The truth is another matter.

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Q: Is it legal to spread rumors of adult juvenile past?
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Why are juviniles bad?

juvenile means a person who is not yet an adult, under the legal age, 16, 18, 21, depends where you are, so not all juvenile's are bad.

What is a sentence using the word juvenile?

NOUN A juvenile is a minor, someone who is under the legal age. Although he was a juvenile, he was tried as an adult. ADJECTIVE (immature) Her friends would not tolerate her boyfriend's juvenile behavior. A juvenile male raccoon will often hunt with other juvenile males.

What are the most important legal rights of juveniles?

To be treated as a juvenile, rather than as an adult. To be able to have the support from his or her parents.

If you get charged with a felony at the age of 17 can you get it off your record?

Therre are procedures for the expunction of juvenile records, but the juvenile record is sealed to the public at the time you become a legal adult in youir state anyway.

What is legal at eighteen years?

If your 18 you are no longer a juvenile and may do what you please! You will also be tried as an adult if any type of crime is committed on your behalf!

If you commit a crime at 16 are you a juvenile delinquent or a felon?

If you commit a crime at 16, you would generally be considered a juvenile delinquent rather than a felon. The distinction between a juvenile delinquent and a felon varies by jurisdiction, but typically, juveniles are subject to different legal procedures and sentencing than adults. However, depending on the severity of the crime and local laws, a 16-year-old may be charged as an adult in some cases.

Who is responsible for damages caused by a juvenile?

Legal parents or legal guardians are responsible for the damages caused by their juvenile.

When applying for an apartment is it legal for the apartment manager to pull up your juvenile record although you are an adult?

Your juvenile record should have become invisible once you became an adult. You will have to follow up to make sure this happens. I would assume that the source the apartment manager used found it without his particularly searching.

Is it illegal to leave a one year old with a juvenile delinquent?

No. A juvenile delinquent is not a legal definition it is a social one. In addition delinquency means 'failing in duty', which is an adult trait. By definition a juvenile has not attained adulthood therefore cannot be delinquent. A person may be delinquent in some duties but not in others.

What does juv petition under document type mean on inmates records?

Juvenile Petition. A legal proceeding involving a person under 18 years of age. A juvenile petition is in many ways the minor's version of a criminal complaint in adult cases. A juvenile record is usually not open to the public.

How long does drinking under age stay on your record in California?

If you are referring to your juvenile record it will become sealed and unavailable for public view at the time you become a legal adult.

What are the major similarities of juvenile and adult justice systems?

Some major similarities between juvenile and adult justice systems include the administration of justice, adherence to legal procedures and protections, and the goal of ensuring public safety and accountability for crimes committed. Both systems aim to uphold principles of fairness, due process, and rehabilitation.