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No. You must be alienized. Go back to Mars, they peel off their plantars warts, you sicko. just kidding.... yes it is normal. I had them before & they kind of peeled off, but I had to get them removed by a doctor through surgery.

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Q: Is it normal for a plantar wart to peel off?
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What do you do after plantar wart falls off?

I learned that skin will grow back after the plantar wort fell off but if not and the skin turns red, purpleish or black with dried skin i suggest you see a doctor.

How do you get rid of plantar warts permanently?

Plantar warts can be removed in a couple of ways. You can obtain an anti-viral cream from your drug store, or for long standing warts, they can be removed by freezing them off, then allowing the wart to just drop off.

How do you soak feet with plantar warts?

You can take your foot and place it in a bowl of warm water for about 30mins, then get some white wine vinegar and put it on the planter wart. repeat every evening until the wart falls off.

Can you catch plantar warts?

there are wart removers. or u can go tote doctors and they can do the thing where they frezze it and it just falls off

What are the active ingredients in nonprescription plantar warts treatment?

Salicylic Acid is the main ingredient found in wart remover sticks. I bought one at my local drugstore for $5.99. I applied it every single night and in about two weeks the wart fell off. I'm glad I didn't have to spend a lot of money at a dermatologist.

When a plantar wart comes out will it bleed?

Yes, the wart virus taps into the capillaries. So if you cut them deep enough, you probably will see a small bit of blood. This is the capillary supplying blood to the wart virus. I DO NOT RECOMMEND CUTTING THEM OFF YOURSELF! You could spread the wart virus, and re-infect yourself!

Treating Plantar Warts?

Planter warts are unsightly, uncomfortable warts that grow on the soles of your feet. Planter warts can only grow on the bottoms of your feet; if your wart is anywhere else, it is not a plantar wart. Depending on their location, plantar warts can create pain each time you step. They are caused by a very common virus, the human papillomavirus. If this virus comes into contact with a cut on the bottom of your foot, a wart may develop there. Plantar warts can last for many years. Though they occasionally disappear on their own, usually they must be treated. The most common medical treatment for plantar warts is simply to have them burned off with acid or a laser. Unfortunately, this treatment is frequently only temporarily effective. Eventually the plantar warts will return in the same spot. There are a few home remedies for plantar warts that have gained medical recognition in recent years. A simple and inexpensive removal method is the application of duct tape. If you affix duct tape to the wart day and night for six months and debride the wart with a loofah once per week, the wart will disappear. Apple cider vinegar has also reportedly been effective, though it is sometimes uncomfortable to use. Another home treatment option is a plantar wart removal kit. These kits are sold in drugstores. These usually contain a patch of salicylic acid and a cushioned bandage. Salicylic acid and apple cider vinegar both work the same way. The acid kills the HPV that is within the wart. Debriding the wart will speed its disappearance, no matter which removal method you use. To debride a plantar wart properly, first soak your foot in warm or hot water. You may use Epsom salts in the water if you like, but it is not necessary. After your foot has soaked for 30 minutes, rub it vigorously with a loofah or grater-style callous remover. Get as much of the wart off as you can, but stop if you feel any pain or discomfort. After debriding, carefully dry your foot and apply the treatment method that you have chosen.

How can someone treat a wart be themselves?

Your best bet to treat a wart is use a compound W treatment on it. This will freeze the wart itself and after a couple of treatments the wart will just fall off.

Is it ok to put White-out on a wart Will it get rid of the wart?

No! Never put any un-prescriptive things on the wart. This only makes the wart worse. SEVERAL WAYS YOU CAN GET RID OF A WART: Peeing on them, freezing them, beetle-juice, or even getting them cut off. After-wards put duct-tape on the wart, it helps it die alone. Ask your doctor for help to get the wart off. DO NOT CUT THE WART YOURSELF!! This would cause a tumor in the foot or arm.

How long does it take for a wart to fall off after the doctor burns it?

After you have had freezing treatment to a wart, it should fall off within 2 weeks. If the wart does not fall off by itself in 2 weeks, then you should visit your doctor so he/she can remove it for you.

How can you remove a planters wart for free?

If you take off a planters wart most of the time it grows back worse. I have a lady that I work with who tried to pick it off and has gotten her wart frozen off at the doctor and payed a lot of money to get it surgically removed and it still is coming back.

How do you remove a plantar warts?

Buy a wart remover from the store or go to the doctor.go to any local drusstore and by wart remover any old wart remover... it doesnt have to be for a plantar wartEither a person can go to a dermatologist to have it burned off with liquid nitrogen. Or, they can buy a product like, "Compound W". It is a formula of salycetic acid that slowly dissolves the hardened skin. Unfortunately, warts are a virus... no real cure that I know of. They will reoccur at times. Just have to keep up on them. I should also say, the person may want to seek medical advice to confirm that it really is a planters wart.try putting a banana peel on it every nightThere are over the counter treatments that are probably a good first stop. If they don't work (they do take some time) then you can try seeinga dermatologist who can suggest different methods.That can be tough. They tend to grow deep.One approach is just to soak it and use pumice or am emory board to lower the profile. This will not get rid of it but it will take the pressure off so that it will not hurt when walking on it.Because of the depth, unless it is very small, home and over the counter remedies usually will only temporarily reduce it and make it less painful (as above). Usually to get rid of it you need to have a doctor freeze it with liquid nitrogen or cut it out.Compound W wart treatment. It comes in a blue cardboard package. The main ingredient, salicylic acid, WORKS! Use the treatment once a day and used a pumice scrub occasionaly to file off the dead skin. The plantar warts should be gone in about a month and a half!