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It depends on the situation. White liquid can be normal vaginal discharge for some females during masturbation. It could be caused by some type of infection. If the white liquid has a fowl odor, then that is a good sign that something is not right and i would highly recommend seeing your OB/GYN as soon as possible. Most vaginal infections can be cured with medications your doctor can prescribe.

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Q: Is it normal for a white liquid to come out of your vagina?
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This sounds like a discharge and could be an infection. Go to the doctor.

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The same reason a creamy white substance would come out of a woman's vagina. There is an infection and she needs antibiotics!

Im a 17 year old girl and for about a week now when i pee a white substance come out what is it caused by?

It is vaginal discharge and it is your bodies way of cleaning out your vagina. It is 100%completely normal.

Is it normal for white stuff to come out of an 18-year-old girl's vagina if she has a lot of sex?

If you have white stuff coming out you could have an infection. The white stuff is called discharge. If you are discharging you need to go see a doctor so they can give you something to get rid of it.

What is wrong with your vagina if this thick white liquid come out but its odorless?

Thick, white discharge without any odor could be a sign of a yeast infection, especially if accompanied by itching or irritation. It's best to consult a healthcare professional for a proper diagnosis and appropriate treatment.

Why come out liquid white in vagin?

your moodwil go away

How baby comes out by normal delivery?

Once the cervix is dialated the babys head than body come out the vagina

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Breast go through a series of changes during pregnancy. It is normal to experience liquid secretion durnig pregnancy. It begins with clear fluid and develops milk.

Why does liquid come out of the vagina?

This is a mucous material that is produced with arousal and makes it easier for the males penis to slide into the vagina. the female body also uses this material to keep the reproductive area clean.

When does the white creamy like substance come out of your vagina?

When a man or woman orgasms, they generally produce ejaculate, the clearish white stuff that comes out.

Where did my brother come from?

your mother's vagina