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Bleeding in between periods is common in the first few months of using Mirena, but gets better with time. Yellow discharge is not a normal Mirena side effect, and deserves to be discussed with your health care provider.

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You can have irregular bleeding as your body's own menstrual cycle restarts. Bleeding for months is unusual. See your health care provider for advice specific to your situation.

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Yes, as the hormone runs out, you may experience bleeding. If you leave a hormonal IUD like Mirena in too long, you may not be protected against pregnancy, but there are no other risks.

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Q: Is bleeding months after Mirena removal normal?
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How fertile are you when a Mirena is removed?

After removal, normal fertility is regained after a few months, with a near-normal 80% of women able to conceive within 12 months.

Is it normal to feel pregnant after have Mirena taken out?

Pregnancy symptoms are not a normal side effect of Mirena removal. Take a pregnancy test.

Can you get pregnant while on your Menstrual cycle on the Mrena IUD?

You don't have a normal "menstrual cycle" when on Mirena, although you may have vaginal bleeding. Pregnancy with Mirena is unlikely whether or not you are bleeding.

Why am i still bleeding after having the mirena coil fitted 10 months ago?

Go see your OB/GYN doctor at once. We can't tell from here, and it is not normal.

Do you need to check actinomyces with Mirena removal?

Checking for actinomyces is not part of the normal standard of care for IUD insertion or removal.

Can IUD removal cause twins?

I had the mirena iud for 5 years.... two weeks after removal i got a normal period, and then became pregnant with twins. There are twins in my family, so im not sure if the mirena removal is what caused the twins but it is certainly suspect.

You got Mirena in May and am still bleeding heavily and have really bad cramps is this normal?

I am sorry to hear that you are having a bad time with the Mirena. I too had the Mirena and experienced the same issues as yourself over an 8 month period. It turned out that I had several oversized Fibroids and the Mirena did not help with the stemming of heavy bleeding. I had my Mirena removed and subsequently the Fibroids - best thing I ever did. I know they say it can work instantly or may take a couple of months, but it depends on how long you want to continue with things they way they are. Good luck with which ever dicision you make.

You have used Mirena for about a year and a half you have always had a period every month but you have not had one in the last three months is this normal while using this IUD?

Yes, absent periods are a normal side effect of Mirena.

Is there vaginal bleeding after the removal of a dermoid cyst?

Yes . Is it normal ?

When can you have intercource after Mirena is placed?

My Doc told me it works an hour after being placed. he reccomended waiting longer, because of the pain from the insertion, though. As soon as you feel like it, really ;) S

Is blood clots after Mirena coil removal normal?

I can't say that it's 'normal' or a common symptom, just that it's also happening to me along with severe back aches.

Is it normal to have light bleeding when your 2 months pregnant?

No! You shouldn't be bleeding unless you're not pregnant!