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If a tampon has blood on only one side, it is never a cause for concern. It has no medical meaning.

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Q: Is it normal for the discharge on your tampon to be on left side?
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What is on your tampon when you take it out?

On the tampon you will primarily see menstrual blood and discharge - although you may not be able to see the discharge as it's mixed with the blood. You can also see clots, cervical mucus mixed with blood, and larger pieces of the uterine lining. You should not see pus as community answer claims.

Why do you get clear fluids on your panties through tampon?

The last day or so of your period may just be so light that you are no longer passing the blood from the uterus but also the clear discharge from glands in your vagina or mucus from your cervix that is colorless.

The normal balance of any account is the left side?

side which increases that account.

Is it normal to only bleed on one side of your tampon after childbirth?

It can be normal if the tampon sits to one side of your cervix or if your vagina is such that the blood only leaks fdown one side of your vaginal canal so only hits one side of your vagina. If the whole tampon isn't getting saturated with blood then it's not safe to be wearing them as this will increase risk of TSS - with less blood to absorb the tampon will dry-out vaginal tissues on that side of the vagina more, causing increased damage that allows TSST-1 toxins easier access to your bloodstream. I recommend trying menstrual cups or softcups, these will solve this problem plus a lot safer and more convneient than tampons anyway so a much better option in general.

High side is the suction or discharge?

Discharge side........

What are the side affects from tampon infections?

There's no such thing as tampon infections, tampons are a major cause of vaginal infections such as yeast infections and Bacterial Vaginosis. Symptoms can include irritation, discomfort, swelling, excessive unusual discharge, and bad odour. If you suspect you have a vaginal infection see your doctor for tests and treatment.

If I left my tampon for a few day and didn't know about it tell today and i took it out and I am bledding pretty bad is that normal?

Bleeding is likely just your period continuing, you know better than us what is normal for your flow. If you left a tampon in for that long then you need to use pads for the rest of your period to allow your vagina a chance to clean-out bacterial overgrowth and restore normal pH. Watch for symptoms of vaginal infections and toxic shock syndrome to be on the safe side.

Can you have a light pink discharge with pain on the left side and be pregnant?

Yes. You might have a tubal pregnancy. Yes you can.

How do you track continuous discharge certificate file number?

the no on the left hand bottom side normally the acknowledgement no,

Should you be concerned if you have accidentally left a tampon inside you for 5 days and you don't have any side effects?

Unless you have dis colored discharge and a bad smell coming from the vagina i don t think you have anything to worry about, but if you have a smell or dis coloration of dis charge then you should go to your doctor, you may have a infection.

What could cost you are having pain on your left side and clear vaginal discharge?

A small amount of clear vaginal discharge is normal. However if the discharge is noticeably more it can be a sign of infection such as vaginitis if pain is accompanying. Flank pain is usually associated with kidney stone and/or a urinary tract infection. Your gynecologist who knows your history will be better able to diagnosis this problem.

Is it normal to have a discharge when you wipe yourself at 4 and a half weeks?

I cant really say if it is normal i was 7 weeks pregnant and i had a discharge that was brown and i miscarried a day later, you really need to talk to your ob/gyn about what it looks like. It might be normal but you need to be on the safe side just in case it isn't normal.