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It depends what you were like before you became pregnant, if it was soft then it will stay soft, if you were hard it will stay hard. Some women get bad gas at the begiinning of pregnancy and that may make a soft stomach firmer.

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15y ago
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14y ago

actually yes it is normal it is rare for this to happen

it happened to me in my second pregnancy i was assured everything was okayy

it happens to 25% of woman

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17y ago

Were you expecting a pot belly? At five weeks the baby is around 1mm long! There is nothing to get hard. You will not start to show until at least 10 weeks.

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11y ago

i am 5 weeks pregnant and my belly isn't hard. is that normal??

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Q: Is your stomach soft the first month of pregnancy?
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Can your stomach be soft during early pregnancy?


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If you are that close to the end of your pregnancy, you should be talking to your doctor/birthing team etc.

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Pregnancy releases a hormone that softens your muscles for child birth the first sign you going to notice is a soft flabby stomach, or you'll look bloated.

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If you have the feeling of gas in stomach are you pregnant?

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