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I had all of my wisdom teeth pulled 11 days ago and they told me that the bleeding could last from 1 to 24 hours. You should contact your dentist or surgeon if it lasts any longer than that. Mine only lasted about 12 hours, it was done by the time I went to bed that night. The pain was not bad at all, I was eating the same day. I kept trying to talk to my parents, but then I realized that the bleeding would never stop if I kept opening my mouth. The most important thing is to keep an almost constant pressure on the gauze so that it will help the bleeding stop and to change the gauze every 30 minutes or so. But don't be afraid to drink or eat stuff (if you can). My pain was not bad at all, I was eating the same day, and had mashed potatoes the next day. Hope this helps!!!

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14y ago

It shouldn't bleed for more than 2 or 3 hours. It will stop bleeding quickly if you wet a tea bag and place it where the tooth was. Bite down gently and hold it there for about 30 minutes. Bleeding will be much less. Repeat with a clean, wet tea bag until the bleeding stops. It usually stops after about 2 bags. (1 hour)

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14y ago

I had surgery last summer to remove all four of my wisdom teeth. I have a small head and mouth and I already had too many teeth before the wisdom teeth grew in, so when they came through they grew sideways into my jaw. The other teeth were pushed out too much and I couldn't close my mouth as it hurt too much.

I was terrified about the surgery (I've never even had a filling) but my surgeons were great. It bled a bit on and off for a few days, but they put padding in the back of my mouth over the gaps and I healed pretty quickly as I'm relatively healthy and followed all their instructions. They gave me painkillers in the hospital, which stopped the pain for the first four days. They sent me home with tablet painkillers, but in the end I had to stop taking them as they made me sick and dizzy (I don't react well to medicine). That was my only real problem.

As for pain: I had my tonsils removed when I was nine and that hurt more - not sure if that is any help. Unfortunately, the other remaining teeth have not moved back to where they should be and I still can't close my mouth (so now looking at jaw surgery to push the jaw bone back), but the pain from the teeth has definitely gone and I don't have any numbness left from the surgery. I had abnormally long roots, but I still healed completely within three weeks so I wouldn't worry. It's a relatively common proceedure.

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12y ago

Absolutely! This is a blood clot and the very reason that the patient has stopped bleeding. However, you shouldn't spit, suck through a straw, smoke (to name only a few of the things on the post op instructions list that patients should refrain from following Surgical extractions) These things can break the blood clot and cause the patient to begin bleeding again. Forceful spitting and other things listed above can cause something called a dry socket. Which is a very painful experience that requires several daily visits for the dentist to pack and re-pack the socket to stop the pain and aid in proper healing.

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12y ago

It depends on the person. For me, it took a few hours, I just had to hold cotton pads in my mouth near the holes. I waited two or three hours to take out the cotton they put in after surgery. Placed new cotton next to the holes- came out bloody so I put cotton back in my mouth. Then checked two more times a half hour apart. When the pads are covered in just spit and brownish but not bright red, its not bleeding anymore. If it's still bleeding the next day (or I guess 8-10 hours after the surgery) you probably need to call your doctor.

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first 2-3 days after surgery

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Q: Is it normal to bleed 4 days after getting your wisdom teeth pulled out?
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