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Ya that's normal.

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Q: Is it ok if a period is 3 days late when it's only your second?
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What does it mean if im 5 days late for my period?

It means your period is five days late. Only you know your chances of being pregnant.

Could you be pregnant if your period came 50 days late and only for 2 days?

yes could

Your period was 5 days late and you only bled for a day?

Take a pregnancy test

Is having your period 7 days early a sign of pregnancy?

No it's only if your late.

You got your period a few days late should you still take a pregnancy test?

no, only if it is a week late and you have had it for more than three yrs

When I'm 10 days late for your period how big should you be and when should you take a test?

If your 10 days late for your period you counld certainly take the pregnancy test now. most test will give a accurate reading even a couple of days after your missed period. if in fact the test came back positive, only ten day after the missed period you wouldn't be showing yet.

You were 10 days late on period and spotted very lightly for only 3 days could you be pregnant?

You could be. I would recommend taking a home pregnancy test.

How long are raccoons?

The female is only able to become pregnant for a short 3-4 day period in late winter or early spring. The gestation period is then 63 to 65 days.

Can your period be a couple days late even if im 13?

Yes. When you have only recently (around 18 months) started your period, it will be irregular and you may miss periods some months altogether. This is perfectly normal and doesn't mean you're pregnant or anything's wrong!

Period was 2 days late and when it did come on it lasted only 3 days could you be pregnant?

It is possible, but not likely. Lots of things can delay/change your period. If you are worried, get a home pregnancy test from the drugstore. They are on the open shelves and you do not need a prescription.

If you have missed period by 5 days with no symptoms of pregnancyare there chances of being pregnant?

The only way to be sure is to do a pregnancy test, but a late period and back pain does not mean you are pregnant.

Im two days late for your period and you have been stressed you cam on your period last on feb 25 you and your boyfriend tried to have sex on March 8 and he used a condom?

Well, condoms are 99% safe and even more if you use spermicidal ones. but its only the second day. i wouldn't worry. sometimes stress contributes to late periods. but if it goes on for about a month, consult a doctor