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No it would not be safe and they would have to give her a c-section.

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Yes! Sometimes, baby won't wait!

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Q: Is it possible for the women to give a birth to a baby in 8 months?
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How many days excess does it take a women to give birth to a baby?

It takes 9 months till the baby is fully diveloped

Is it possible to give birth in six months pregnant and the baby survive without doctors?

Without doctors no.

Producing milk and your baby is 13 months old?

Many women continue to lactate for long periods of time after birth, even if they do not breastfeed their children. It can last up to 28 months after giving birth.

How many months will a goat give birth?

With in six months a goat can give birth a baby goat after mating

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after 20 months of his birth

It is possible for pig to give birth 1 baby pig?

Yes, although it is not common, it is possible for a pig to give birth to one baby.

Is it possible to have another baby 3 months later?

It is possible to become pregnant 3 months after delivering a baby, but the gestational period is generally 9 months in normal healthy pregnancies.

What is the nomal weight for a 8 months baby and your baby is bottle from birth now she is 8 months till she is not crawling?


Can you still have a miscarriage if you are 5 months?

Yes, although around that time the term changes to 'pre-term birth' as it is possible for a baby to survive if born alive. It is less common to lose a baby in this stage of pregnancy than in the first three months.

Does boys have uterus?

No, they do not. Only girls and women have it. The uterus is the place inside the woman where the baby will grow for nine months, before it is delivered. Men and boys do not need a uterus, because they do not give birth to a baby.

What is a genesis birth?

It is when a women gives birth to a baby with out having sexual intercourse.

Is it possible to have another baby after just having one 6 months ago?

It is possible to become pregnant after just having a baby six months ago, if that is what you are asking.