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Q: Is it possible that pathological laboratories may accidentally reuse the disposable needle in India?
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Is it possible to pull mirena out accidentally?

Yes, it is possible to pull out Mirena accidentally. Tell your partner to avoid "playing" with the strings. Sex or penile contact (or even finger contact) are not going to pull out the IUD accidentally.

How do you confront a pathological liar and put them check that you know who they are?

You don't - they won't get it. Get as far away from them as possible.

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Drowning, accidentally discharging a firearm, and poisoning are all possible outcomes of unhealthy, risk-taking behavior.

How do you reason with a pathological liar?

You don't. If possible, get them out of your life. Trying to reason with an emotionally ill person (and pathological lying is an emotional disorder) is like trying to make grass grow by feeding the cat. There is no common ground.

Is it possible to accidentally flush a fully grown cat down the toilet?

yes,possible when a person is blind

Is it possible for a Pokemon to human?

Hmm...Only if you accidentally the whole thing.

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It is only possible to escape the Earth's gravity by moving away from it at approximately seven miles per second. Seeing as it is very difficult to move at such high speeds by accident, it would not be possible to accidentally leave the atmosphere.

Is it possible to get pregnant by accidentally sitting on a condom within five minutes after it was used?

Probably no

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Can you live with a pathalogical liar?

Yes technaically you can... Although depending on what kind of person you are and what you believe it may concern you to a great extint. If you have problems living with someone who is a pathological liar I suggest you eave them if possible and if not then you may want to tell some one your troubles to see if you or the pathological liar can get help.

Is it possible to purchase a disposable BBQ grill?

Yes, you can buy a disposable bbq grill. They are about $20, and its great; the coals are prepared, and you just need to set a fire with a match. You can find them probablly at bed bath at beyond, target, and are great for camping use.

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Its possible, take your dog to the vet and have him checked out.