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Wisdom teeth is the common name for 3rd molars. We are biologically programmed to have three molars in each quadrant. However, Wisdom teeth or 3rd molars are one of the most commonly congenitally missing teeth, the others being lateral incisors and 2nd premolars. Therefore, some of us may have less than 4 wisdom teeth or not at all. If we all had all the wisdom teeth that we are supposed to have then we should have 4 in total (one for each quadrant)

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15y ago
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16y ago

It's not what usually happens, but it is no big deal. It happens occasionally. You'll just probably have to have two sets removed instead of one. I also have two sets of Wisdom teeth! They are called surnumerary teeth.

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17y ago

It is certain that humans get two full sets of teeth: "milk teeth" as toddlers and "adult teeth" in their late childhood. Most of the time 'wisdom teeth' are replaced by their adult counterparts - but because some wisdom teeth never break the gumline (referred to as impacted) it may appear as a second set when the milk set is pushed clear by the adult set.

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16y ago

It is possible to have extra teeth. I have never heard of someone who has a complete extra set. It is common to be missing one or two teeth in the adult teeth. Most commonly 2nd premolars or bicuspids or third molars.

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11y ago

No, you can't get a second set of wisdom teeth.

Once a permanent tooth is removed, humans do not regrow them. However, I have seen patients who naturally have extra wisdom teeth, or extra permanent teeth elsewhere in the mouth.

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16y ago

4 or 5 Four, tow on the top and two on the bottom. they usually appear in a person's late teens or early twenties.

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15y ago

That is usually how it is - one on the top of your mouth and one of the bottom.

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12y ago

yes you can because your baby teeth come out and new ones take their place, so why cant they

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Q: Can you have 2 wisdom teeth on one side?
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Are wisdom teeth in addition to the normal sixteen teeth found in adults?

An adult human has 32 teeth, not 16. 16 on top and 16 on the bottom. 4 of these teeth, 2 on top and 2 on bottom are the wisdom teeth. The wisdom teeth are located at the very back of each side of the mouth, behind the last molars

How many wisdom teeth?

We have four, two on the top and two on the bottom. i was a really weird case but i had 3 on the top and 4 on the bottom, so 7 in total i got mine out last week, all of them, and it has been a total nightmare. Normally there are four. But there are exeptions, some people have wisdom teeth missing. Other people have surnumerary teeth, meaning extra wisdom teeth.

How is it possible to have 6 wisdom teeth?

They are called "eights" ~ extra wisdom teeth, which is uncommon. I had 2 on my upper set which I had removed. Consider yourself "special"=) I also have two more wisdom teeth in upper part

How many bottom teeth should an adult have not including wisdom teeth?

A full set of teeth is 32. That's 16 top and 16 bottom. Remove 2 for the wisdom teeth and you will have 14 on the bottom jaw.

If you have 6 wisdom teeth what are the 2 extra supernumerary teeth designated as clinically?

ok searlously ... i dont know i have 2 on each side on th etop and 1 on each side on the botton ... someone answer are questions ...please !!!!!!!!!help and will it hurt to get removed Get a consultation with an oral surgeon or a orthodont. The two extra teeth are supernumerary and should be removed

Where do wisdom teeth grow?

Yes. If your mouth is big enough, like mine is, there is no need to remove the wisdom teeth. I know many people who have all of their wisdom teeth, or only had 1 or 2 removed.

After wisdom teeth removal when is it safe to play football?

You should wait 2 weeks after getting your wisdom teeth taken out to safely play football. You should wait longer if this procedure had complications.

Why don't some people get all 4 wisdom teeth?

Good question. My father had only 1/2 of one, and I only had bottoms.

2 year with teeth pain in the back where wisdom teeth grow?

If it has been that long just go see an oral surgeon.

What is impacted wisdom teeth?

As mankind has evolved over the millenniums, the human jaw has grown smaller. The third molars (wisdom teeth) are remnants of a time when the jaw was much larger. Consequently, there often is not enough room for the wisdom teeth to properly erupt, and they become impacted.

How long do you have to wait to drink Coca-Cola after having your wisdom teeth removed?

2 and 1/2 weeks

Do I need to have my wisdom teeth pulled if they don't hurt?

NO! Taking out your wisdom teeth is orthodox but offers no significant advantages over leaving your wisdom teeth in. However, many orthodontists think that for those with a smaller mouth it's the best thing to do.