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Pasteurized cider will last about four weeks in the fridge.

If left out:

1) If it fizzes, dump it.

2) You could try taking a small taste and spitting it out. If it tastes perfectly fresh, it probably is.

3) You could boil the whole thing.

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10y ago
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14y ago

That would depend how long it has been left out. If this is truly apple juice, the pH is likely low enough to prevent the growth of pathogenic bacteria, but it will not prevent the growth of yeasts and molds. Refrigerating the apple juice will protect the flavor and extend the usable shelf life.

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8y ago

Cranberry apple juice that has been opened the night before is fine to leave out overnight. The juice contains no dairy, so it shouldn't be unsafe after opening so soon. The juice should be left out from the fridge afterward.

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15y ago

No. I would not recommend drinking apple juice that has been left out overnight.

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13y ago

If it hasn't been opened yet than it doesnt need to be refrigerated

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14y ago

If it smells ok then just try a sip of it to be sure. If it smells or tastes fermented then throw it out.

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12y ago

If it's a container that had never been opened, yes it is safe.

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13y ago

If in doubt, throw it out

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Q: Is it safe to drink cranberry juice left out overnight?
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