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More informationActually, most dates on canned goods are 'best by' dates, not actual expirations. Companies tend to be conservative on the dating of their products so that people will utilize the food while it is in prime condition. The product would not be guaranteed after that date. And so much depends upon the storage conditions.

Even unopened canned food can deteriorate in quality and nutrition.

So it will depend upon how far past the expiration date, storage conditions and the condition of the can. Using it would be up to you.
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14y ago
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12y ago

i have can tuna that's been there for a while they do not have any experation dates on them just codes is it safe to eat it now seeing that it was there for a while

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14y ago

My advice for eating canned food after its expires is a bad thing because once it expired its not good googd for you to eat so dont eat expired food

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Q: Can i eat canned food after expiration date?
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Can you eat canned crab meat after the expiration?

If its the day of the expiration date yes but not after.

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It should have an expiration date stamped on the can somewhere. If today is before that date, then it is ok to eat.

Can you eat canned crab meat after the expiration date?

An unopened can of canned crab has a pantry shelf life of 3 to 5 years. An opened can be refrigerated for 2 to 3 days.

Is canned food still good after the expiration date?

There is no magic date. It will depend on the quality of the food to begin with, the quality and type of container and the subsequent handling and storage thereof. Even canned, food will degrade and change color, texture and flavor. I have used some items that were a year past the coded date. They were edible, but I could tell the difference when compared to newer product. Many canned foods are coded with 2 and even 3 year shelf lives. But for best quality and nutrition, plan to use canned goods within a year. If you are trying to maintain a cache of canned foods, use product throughout the year and replace it with fresh stock. Use the FIFO method - First In First Out. Always use the oldest items first.

Would you eat canned biscuits 5 months past expiration date?

If they were frozen before the expiration date, there shouldn't be a problem. If they have been in the refrigerator, toss them.

Is it safe to eat canned crab meat without cooking it?

Absolutely! Unopened, it can be kept up to the expiration date marked on the can.

Is it safe to eat canned crabmeat after the expiration date?

If you are talking about shelf stable canned crab meat, the date on the can is likely the 'best by' date and not an expiration. If the can is unopened, has been stored properly and is not swollen or damaged, it is likely safe to eat, but the palatability of the crab meat will deteriorate over time. The processor will not guarantee the product beyond the recommended 'use by' date.

What is a expiration rate?

After something passes the expiration date, or expires, it's no longer considered good, or up to standard. You shouldn't eat any food or take any medicine that has passed the expiration date.

Should you eat chicken after its packaging date?

That depends how long after the expiration, how it has been stored and the condition of the can. Usually, canned food has a "best by", not an "expiration". If the "expiration" is recent and the can has been stored properly and is in good condition, the contents could be safe. Whether or not to use it would be your decision.

What about spaghetti sauce pass expiration date?

The expiration date on any food item is the date after which you are supposed to throw away the product because it is no longer considered safe to eat. If it is unopened and canned and only a few days past that date, it may still be okay. Otherwise, throw it away. The expiration date will vary dependent upon when the product was made, so you should check the lid of the bottle or the bottom of the can. May also be listed as a "Best By" date.

Can you eat 10 year old canned chicken broth?

It is never advised to eat anything pass it's expiration date. The broth could make someone very sick if consumed.

How do you know if a canned vegetable is still safe to use?

By use I believe you mean eat. Canned food may still be safe to eat after the expiration date IF the can has no damage to it and has no signs of bloating. Any dents deformities or damage to a can may allow it to grow botulism. This a deadly food born pathogen THAT CAN KILL YOU!Most expiration dates on unrefrigerated, non temperature sensitive items like dried pasta are there because it loses flavor or the preservatives lose effectiveness and they clump or lose color.