

Is it safe to marry a bipolar disorder patient man?

Updated: 8/18/2019
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12y ago

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if want a typical marriage and i don't mean the 5 years and out. but the long lasting harmonious one is less likely. your chances of being struck by lightening, twice, are more likely to happen. you might have had a long relationship were u think can deal with the nature of the beast. the reality of it is " u think that u can stop me, u can only hope to just to contain me!" This is where i m in favor of moving in together and trial basis. u will need the heart of Mother Teresa, the strength of superman, the qualities of gandhi, and the manipulation skills of Charles Manson...from my personal experience. u need great support from both families, good meds, good docs,group secessions, prayer, projects that inspire, music to enhance the body, mind and soul, slack... alot of slack. forgive forget, never make him less than, hold them accountable slowly, keep journal, and always remember this...there are no problems only solutions. Remember the mentally ill are the x-factors of world..we make the world go round. never a dull moment and never the same ride i think.

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