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no because beta fish are very teritorial and is you put tow betas toghether they might fight to death just like if you put a mirror in front of the tank and it sees it self it might hit its head against the tank

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12y ago

Yes. Only the males will fight.

In general females are fine to mix together. However, I had 4 female Betta's in a 6 gallon tank together. The females were very aggressive (the aggression level will vary from fish to fish) and fought each other off and on. I added artificial plants and caves and it seemed to help quite a bit (gave them places to hide and obstructions to block them from seeing each other constantly). One female in particular was more aggressive than the others and had to be separated and put in a tank alone b/c she was chasing all of the other Betta's and nipping at their finnage. Pet stores I have spoke to said it usually takes a couple of days for female Betta's to adjust to each other and they may fight, then calm down afterwards. The best thing to do is to keep an eye on your Betta's behaviour after introducing new tankmates. If you are mixing new females together and if they are to aggressive (even with places to hide) separate them, otherwise they should be fine to live together.

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16y ago

Female bettas get along well with one another.

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14y ago

yes... but two males cant

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Q: Is it safe to keep two female Betta fish together?
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Can you keep a male betta with a female betta for a long period of time with other fish?

No, you should never keep a male and female betta fish together for long time periods. They should only be put in the same tank for breeding purposes and then separated after.

After breeding can you still keep a male and female betta in the same tank?

You can not keep Betta splendens males together without them trying to kill one another. You can only keep a male and female Betta s. together while they are courting and spawning. Afterwards he will kill her if she is not removed. You can keep male or female Bettas with most other species of fish with no problems.

Will the eggs be safer with the female betta or the male betta?

both fish may eat the fish eggs, so i suggest you place the eggs in a small bowl or glass of water that you fill from the betta's tank. also, female and male bettas can e together. it is just the same gender that fight. So, you can put both bettas together and keep the eggs in the now vagant tank.

What happens when you put two female betta fish together?

Nothing will happen but if you put a female betta fish and a male betta fish their going to figth so make sure to have that thing that separates them male betta fish can figth and if a male betta fish has babies separte them and keep them away from their parents and when they grow up check if their a male or a female if their female put them on the same tank put there might be a lot of females if i was u i will just sale them cuz i think you only have one tank but thats my opinion and if somebody needs a question just tell me my name is Allison Hamilton

Is it possible for a female betta to kill a male betta?

Yes, females can be just as agressive, if not more aggressive, than the males. Although you should never keep the two bettas together, it has happened when breeding the fish.

Can you put a female and male Betta fish in the same tank or bowl or will they fight to death?

It's best to only put male and female betta fish in the same tank/bowl if you are breeding them. If they are not breeding and they still stay in the same area, the male would most likely attack the female, so keep the female away! Also, if you are breeding betta fish, make sure to remove the female betta after she lays her eggs, as the male will care for them and chase the female away.

How do you breed betta fish without them killing each other?

keep the male and female in different containers at first, then put them together. If they fight then the female is not ready to spawn. After the spawning the female need to be removed right away or they will fight.

What would happen if you put a female and a male Betta fish together?

I have a female and a male beta fish,If you put them togethere and the male doent chase the female then they like being togethere.If the male beta fish chases the female beta fish it mines that the male beta fish wants to kill the female by chacing her allover that is what happened to my female beta fish,so i had to go to petco and buy another bowl so they male and the female are not togethere.Ps:Sorry for my grammer it bad lol hope that helped you.

Female betta and a male betta and they keep fhigting?

All bettas will fight each other, male or female. Always keep them separated.

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Can a boy betta fish share a 3 gallon tank with a girl betta fish?

This is a BIG NO NO!! Bettas need at least 2.5 gallons of water to themselves, and if you put a male and a female together, it will most likely result with you have two dead bettas. Keep your boy and girl in separate 2.5 gallon heated tanks.

What happens if you put a male Betta fish with a female Betta Would they kill or fight with each other?

You can NOT keep female and male bettas together! Male bettas can get very aggressive and will fight to the death. Make sure to separate your bettas.