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You may put hair chalk on a cats fur if it permits you. Hair chalk is non-toxic and only temporarily stains the hair.

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4y ago

No it could hurt their fur

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Do cats have fur or hair?

All cats have fur. unless they are furless cats

Do cats have hair or fair?

cats have fur(you spelt it fur wrong)not hair

Do cats have pubic hair?

no they have fur

What is body covering of cat?

Cats have skin covered in fur.

Do Maine coone cats have hair or fur?

I have a mane coon cat and he has fur.

Do all cats have fur or hair?

Well most of cats do have hair.......but the sphynx looks like it dosent have hair but it has hairs you cant see that's why hey are sitting on you lap they feel warm. I hoped I helped you First of all, cats dont have hair. That is a commen mistake that I usually see. Cats have fur NOT hair! P.S A sphinx, the 'hairless' cat, CAN have fur but they are known NOT to.

Do pugs have hair or fur?

Yes they do. Unless of course you shave it or something.

What are cats covered with?

Cats, like all land mammals, have hair that covers their entire bodies. The hair (often called fur) is dense and protects the cat from extreme temperatures, attacks from a predator or another cat and keeps dirt from reaching the skin.

Why do LaPerm cats have curly fur?

The LaPerm cats have a dominant gene that make them have curly hair.

Does a cats fur keep them warm?

A cat's fur does double as a coat when they need it. Their fur also keeps them safe from some insects and animals. Cats, however, can get cold.

What is the name of the soft hair on cats body?

It's called Fur.

What happens if hair dye gets on a cats fur?

It will probably just change the fur color for a while. Hopefully it's not the permanent kind of hair dye.