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No, that's absolutely false. Hitler was in power before and during WWII, but not after.

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Q: Is it true After World War 2 the German economy was doing really well allowing Hitler to come power?
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Was Hitler Really German?

He was Austrian.

Was Hitler really a German?

He was an ethnic German. Austrians are Germans ethnically.

Why was Hitler attrackted to the German people?

he wasnt really he wanted to rule Germany

How long was Hitler in the German army?

really he was in for about four years or something maybe 1914-1918

Was Hitler sad when he lost the war?

Hitler was furious when the Germans lost the war and he blamed it on the German soldiers and German populous. He never blamed himself when really he was to blame for his interference with the Generals and the supplying of the war needs.

Was Adolf Hitler really German?

Ethnically German yes, nationality was Austrian until 1925.

Who built the German autobon?

The Autobahn was designed by Hitler--or rather, people working for him in the German government--during the 1930's partially as a way to jump-start the German economy, and partially to make the quick transportation of tanks and war materials possible. All this aside, the Autobahn was actually finished during the 1950's and never really got any use during World War II.

How did the Treaty of Versailles set the stages for the rise of Nazism in Germany?

Because of the Treaty of Versailles. This treaty really punished Germany and Germany was in such a hard condition that they were desperate to do anything to get out of the desperate economy that they lived in. When Hitler came and said that he had a plan, everyone started listening to him and started doing what he said to do because he really did help Germany get out of their desperate economy and their economy started to do better. Then Hitler started the Nazi army and nobody did anything about it...

Why were Germans unhappy with the German economy in the 1930s?

Because it was rubbish. They had no money, no jobs and inflation was going up really fast.

What was people's attitude towards Hitler as a leader?

People in Germany liked Hitler because he promised things he couldn't really give and people believed him. The German people were locked into a lose-lose situation the day Hitler came into power. READ ERAGON, AND ELDEST!!

Who became a popular German leader and why?

It was ADOLF HITLER because he killed many Jews and treated them really badly ,he started world war two .

What was the Nazis theory?

The Nazis theory is that Hitler only did this to consider his self powerful Hitler was really not even a German . Hitler only wanted to be an artist but his parents were always drunk and that's when he decided to detictate Germany he felt the Jewish wouldn't take anything else away from him