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No. Cobras are not native to Africa. They live in India, Southeast Asia and southern East Asia.

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Q: Is it true king cobras also live in African rainforests?
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Is a king kobra a enemy to a African elephant?

King cobras are called 'king' because they eat other snakes. They are also far too small to hunt anything the size of an elephant. Furthermore, African elephants only live in Africa and king cobras only live in Asia. Therefor, they are not natural enemies.

What are some habitats of king cobras?

Asian and African rain forests.

What are mother king cobras called?

King Cobras

Does king cobras hibernate?

no king cobras do not hibernate

What is the distribution of king cobras?

King cobras are most commonly found in South Asia and Southeast Asia. They can also, rarely, be found in the southern parts of China. King cobras prefer dense forests close to water.

Does a king cobra symbolize a gang sign?

the king cobra does symbolize a gang sign it symbolizes for the mickey cobras king cobras black king cobras spanish cobras young latin org cobras

Are king cobras red?

No king cobras are green and yellow

Do King Cobras eat other king cobras?

Yes they do

Do king cobras live in herds?

King Cobras live in herd of 6 . A herd of King Cobras is called a quiver.

What can king cobras not do?

King Cobras can't hear but the are very dangerous

Can king cobras eat bats?

No, bats eat king cobras

What do the king cobras eat?

The King Cobra's main diet is other snakes including other King Cobras but they will also take rodents, small lizards and other small animals.