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All stars fuse hydrogen into helium - the slight difference in atomic weight between 4 hydrogen atoms and one helium atom, is given off as radiation.

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Q: Is it true stars like the sun burn hydrogen producing helium?
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What are the two main gases that stars are made of?

Our star I can tell you more about, but Alas Until we can burn ourselves up in other stars (which are at least light years away at the closest) I can only tell you the Chemicals the sun uses. The sun is about 75% Hydrogen, and just about the rest is mostly Helium. Which there are so plentiful amounts that It can burn for a very long time, at least until there is no more fuel. O.o

What fuel is in young stars?

Young stars burn hydrogen (the lightest element), converting it into helium. Later they may convert helium into heavier elements.

How is helium and hydrogen used on a large scale?

helium does not burn, hydrogen will burn in air

What does a star primarily burn in its lifetime?

Most stars, for most of their existence, fuse hydrogen into helium.

What is the process by which stars burn brightly?

Stars get their energy from nuclear fusion - mainly, hydrogen to helium.Stars get their energy from nuclear fusion - mainly, hydrogen to helium.Stars get their energy from nuclear fusion - mainly, hydrogen to helium.Stars get their energy from nuclear fusion - mainly, hydrogen to helium.

What Stars burn hydrogen?

All stars 'burn' hydrogen

Do different types of stars burn different fuel?

Yes, young stars burn Hydrogen and produce Helium. As they age, they often turn into red giants, and at that time they burn the Helium, making Oxygen and Carbon. Very large stars can even burn the Oxygen and Carbon, making even heaver elements, such as Iron.

Are main sequence stars older than red giants?

No, red giants are generally older than main sequence stars, as red giants have no hydrogen left for fuel, and burn helium instead. where as Main Sequence stars burn hydrogen for fuel.

Which gas makes stars burn for kids?

Hydrogen is the primary fuel that stars burn. A star fuses two hydrogen atoms together to form one helium atom. Energy is released during the process that we see as light and feel as heat.

What does a red dwarf sun burn?

Like all main sequence stars, a red dwarf is powered by the fusion of hydrogen into helium.

What does fuel the sun?

Hydrogen. It doesn't really burn though, because burning is an oxidation process. Hydrogen fuses to form helium, at least for stars in the main stage.

What ful do stars on the main sequence burn?

it is fusion of hydrogen into helium. (like our sun) if it is a red giant (the next stage of our suns life) it is burning helium into denser things.