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Q: Is it true that a dog spins around 3 times before it sleeps?
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How many times has the earth spins around the moon and sun?


How many times does the earth spin around in a year?

The earth spins around once every day for 365 days.

How many times does the earth spin and orbit around the sun in a year?

It spins all day (24 hours)

How do you get inside the bubbling pit on Neopets?

The guard sleeps at random times when he is asleep you can jump in. the times he sleeps are random but if there is a pattern I don't know about it

How many times does the earth rotate in a year?

The earth spins on its axis completely once a day and it revolves around the sun completely once a year.

How fast is a fly going when it spins around your head 1000 times in 7 minutes?

It would be going at a speed of approx. 142.85718571 rpm.

Why are there 365 in a year?

Because the Earth spins 3651/4 times in the time it takes to go all the way around the sun once.

How many times does the Earth rotate on it's axis for everytime that it revolves around the sun?

364.5 times as it takes that many days to revolve around the sun and the earth spins once every twenty four hours.

How is sunset and sunrise different from most location of the world?

as the earth spins on its axis the planets spins around the sun, as it turns each countrie is faced towards the sun at different times indicating the words sun rise and sun set ♥

What does Justin Bieber do most times?

He Probably sleeps most of the time!

How do speedometer and odometer works?

the odometer works by a device on axle and or wheel close to the ball berring close to ABS as well it records how many times the wheel spins. depending on the wheel's size you may have a differant miles.the speedometer works by pretty much the same way it just spins depending on how many times it spins per second and counts the spins.

What are recorder notes for the lion sleeps tonight?

gababcbagabagba repeat 3 times