

Is it true that dietary fiber helps you lose more fat?

Updated: 8/16/2019
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12y ago

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One thing, and one thing only, will reduce your weight, and that's changing your calorie consumption (through diet/exercise). Fiber can make you feel full and contains few calories, so it tends to reduce the number of calories you are consuming, leading to weight loss.

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Q: Is it true that dietary fiber helps you lose more fat?
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How does dietary fiber makes a fat person lose weight?

The fiber gives a feeling of being fuller than usual, hence helping you to eat less at one sitting. It also stays longer in your stomach to digest. AND it helps eliminate alot of unwanted things from your bowel, leaving a lighter less sluggish feeling - helps you to be more enthusiastic about moving around more. All this adds up to weight loss.

Is white rice good to eat for people that wants to lose weight?

No. If you are looking to lose weight, substitute the ever healthier brown rice. White rice, per 100 grams, has 0.3 grams of dietary fiber, while brown rice has 3.5 grams of dietary fiber. Also, brown rice has more than twice as much carbohydrates, giving you more energy than white rice would have.

Is dietary fiber bad for you?

Its good for you. The more you eat the better and skinnier!

Where can I find more information on high fiber foods?

The first website I went to was the MayoClinic. On this site there are lists of high fiber foods, the serving size and how much fiber is in it. There are also links that have more information on high fiber diets.

How much fiber do you need in a day to lose weight?

Fiber and weight lossare not related.To lose weight you need to eat less calories and/or burn more calories in exercise.Fiber just helps your body form "better" stools.

Does dietary fiber help with fat loss and if so will taking dietary fiber supplements help?

helps you go poopy~!wrong....essentially soluble and insoluble fiber gives you the feeling of being fuller, longer. Taking up more space in your stomach, while you consume less calories. Also, it aides you in metabolizing sugar less quickly, and in doing so, you avoid "the crash" that makes you feel hungry. Fiber is an all over good thing!

How much fiber do you need in your diet to lose weight?

Don't rely on fiber to lose weight. Just eat less and move more.

Where do you find fiber?

To get fiber, I eat Kellog's Frosted Mini Wheats.

Does AKAI rice help you to lose weight?

Akai rice-grains are high in fiber! Fiber is very important for any balanced diet. Also, fiber helps us to lose weight. 1. Because high fiber foods fill us up WITHOUT making us fat. 2. Because, as fiber passes through our system it takes some of our undigested fat with it. In addition, the presence of fiber (e.g. in fruit) helps to slow down the absorption of sugar into our bloodstream. This helps stabilize our blood sugar levels and is believed to help reduce cravings. Both these benefits assist weight control. Read more about fiber, so you will understand.

What type of vitamins are found in pineapple?

Pineapple's nutrients include calcium, potassium, fiber ,and vitamin c vitamin B1, vitamin B6, copper and dietary fiber.

What are sources of fiber?

Raw fruits and vegetables, whole wheat, and other whole grains. In fact, all dietary fiber is found only in plant foods: fruits, vegetables, nuts, and grains. Meat, milk, and eggs do not contain fiber. Canned and frozen fruits and vegetables contain just as much fiber as raw ones. Drying and crushing, however, destroy the water-holding qualities of fiber. Removing seeds, peels, or hulls also reduces fiber content. Whole tomatoes have more fiber than peeled tomatoes, which have more than tomato juice. Likewise, whole wheat bread contains more fiber than white bread.

Why are prunes laxative?

They are a dried version of plums, and dried fruits are high in dietary fiber. Fiber helps to move intestinal contents along more quickly and also adds bulk to the stool, helping bowel movements form and move more easily.