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No it is not true. The menstrual blood comes from the Uterus and flows out of the vagina.

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Q: Is it true that menstruation happens in the palm of some females?
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What are some changes which happen during puberty?

For males, there is increase in size of testis. For females there is onset of menstruation.

Why do you get menstruation?

It's a normal thing for every female. But some get irregular menstruation which means she might have a problem in her reproductive system which should be checked by a doctor. Why do you get menstruation? It's a sign which means you are ready to be pregnant. And it happens when a girl becomes mature and got through puberty except menstruation.

When does menstruation takes place?

it takes place when fertilisation does not occur,then the unfertilised ovum is expelled from the uterus through the vaginal opening along with some tissues and blood

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It is natural to eat iron in small quantities because it is necessary to make blood. Iron intake is more important for women who lose some during menstruation.

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Why does menstruation comes only 3-5 days a month?

It depends on the person, actually. Some people have menstruation for a week, some only 3 days. Hope this helps ((:

Are palm trees Non-vascular or vascular?

All palm trees are vascular plants. Some palm trees bear fruit such as the coconut palm tree and the date palm tree.

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It is possible for some that start menstruation early.

Are palm trees toxic to burn?

There are some palm trees which are toxic to burn. One of types of palm tree considered to be toxic is the sago palm tree.

Is a Sago Palm Salt Tolerant?

A Sago Palm is salt tolerant. Some other salt tolerant palms include cabbage palm, Canary Island palm, and the Chinese fan palm.

Can a lemon tree thrive under a palm tree?

It depends what type of palm tree you have. Some palm trees like the shade and others dont. Some like the type of soil that a lemon tree thrives in and others that would die. Here is a list of some common palm trees that enjoy the shade and maybe that will help you. I also placed a link to the palm trees that like the shade. Good Luck! ARECA PALM TREE BAMBOO PALM TREE LADY PALM TREE KENTIA PALM TREE : )

Are ladybirds females?

Some, some not.