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No , the Peloponnesian War was an ongoing conflict between the Greek city-states of Athens and Sparta lasting from 431 to 404 BC whereas the conflicts between Greece and Persia (known as the Greco-Persian Wars) lasted from 499-449 BC .

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Q: Is it true that the Peloponnesian War was a conflict between Athens and Persia that lasted for a few months?
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Who faught in the peloponnesian war?

Athens and Sparta fought Persia in the Peloponesian War.

What led to the Peloponnesian war?

Jealousy manifested between Sparta and Athens as Sparta controlled the Peloponnesian League and Athens's controlled city and state governments in Greece. The war resulted in Sparta and Athens's quest to have ultimate control over the country's military and government.Athens, having established an empire out of the Delian League city-states it led against Persia, began to use this power to interfere in the affairs of other Greek cities, culminating in trying to bankrupt Megara, a member of the Peloponnesian League led by Sparta. Athens ignored appeals by Sparta to back off, refused War then broke out.

Athens and Sparta were two great city-states in ancient Greece and they were often in conflict. What was the cause of the Peloponnesian War in the 5th century BC?

After the Persian Empire agreed to peace, Athens turned the Delian League of 180 city-states, which it lad against Persia in the latter stages of the war, into an empire of fits own. It used this financial and military power to stand over other city states outside its empire, seeking to dominate the Greek world. This brought it into conflict with the Peloponnese League of city-states led by Sparta. The final straw was Athens bringing its neighbour the Peloponnesian city-state Megara to ruin by spitefully obstructing its trade. Magara appealed to Sparta who asked Athens to back off. An over-confident Athens persisted and war broke out - a 27-year conflict which devastated the Greek world. Athens lost, was stripped of its empire and became a second rate power.

Why did Sparta initiate the series of conflicts known as the Peloponnesian War?

Sparta was upset with Athens attempt to control other Greek city-states

What are some events that happen during the peloponnesian war?

Athens resisted seige by the superior Peloponnesian land forces as its walls down to its harbour enabled it to import food. From the walled harbour it invaded Peloponnesian cities with its superior navy, according to plan. Athens lost a third of its manpower unexpectedly when a plague struck the overcrowded city. Pericles' steady guidance was lost when he became one of the victims. Athens captured a Spartan contingent and a truce was declared. Athens lost the plot by trying to capture Syracuse in Sicily, which had nothing to do with successful prosecution of the war. Its expeditionary force was totally lost, further weakening its manpower. Persia provided funds for the Peloponnesian League to produce a fleet to match Athens'. They doubled the pay of the fleet, which attracted the best rowers away from Athenian service. The Peloponnesian fleet defeated the Athenian fleet at Aigospotomai, and then invested Athens. They added to the pressure by sending all Athenian prisoners home to eat out the food supply the sooner. Athens was starved into surrender. Athens was stripped of its empire.

Related questions

Who defeated Athens in the Peloponnesian war?


Was the Peloponnesian War between Athens and Sparta?

The Peloponnesian War was between Athens and Sparta. It was after the great Persian war, when Athens and Sparta worked together to defeat Persia. The Peloponnesian War was started because Sparta feared Athens may dominate them one day. There was a big battle between them, lasting for many years, but in the end, Sparta won.

What are the origins of the Peloponnesian Wars?

Athens had headed the Delian League formed to resist Persia. When Persia made peace, Athens converted the League into an empire which finced its dominance in Greece. The Peloponnesian League was formed by Peloponnesian cities to counter this, and disputes between the two powerful blocs led to the major war 431-404 BCE.

The Peloponnesian War ended with the defeat of who?

Athens and its empire by Sparta and its allies, with financial support from Persia.

What important consequences did the Persian wars have?

They enabled Athens to establish an empire from the Delian League which it formed to oppose the Persians. This empire became involved in the Peloponnesian War after peace was made by Persia and Athens used the Delian League to promote its own interests against othe Greek cities of the Peloponnesian League. Persia helped the Peloponnesian League to defeat Athens.

What happened in the Peloponnesian War that finally enabled Sparta to defeat Athens?

Persia provided the funds for the Peloponnesian League to build and man a war fleet to match the hitherto superior fleet of Athens.

What are tactics in the peloponnesian war?

Peloponnesian League invests Athens. Athens defends city walls, but raids Peloponnesian cities by sea. Persia funds Peloponnesian League navy. League reduces Athenian allies and defeats Athenian navy. Peloponnesian League invests Athens, sending its expatriate population home to help starvation force capitulation the sooner.

How was the peloponnesian war won?

By Persia providing money to the Peloponnesian League to get a fleet comparable to the Athenian one, by this fleet defeating the Athenian fleet, and by the Peloponnesian League then investing Athens and starving it into submission.

Why was the sea important to Athens during the Peloponnesian War?

Its Peloponnesian League opponents were superior on land. Athens' strategy was to defend the city walls and attack the opposition cities with its superior navy. This worked until persia financed a comparable navy for the Peloponnesian League.

Who faught in the peloponnesian war?

Athens and Sparta fought Persia in the Peloponesian War.

How was the delian league and the peloponnesian war linked?

When the Persian threat abated, Athens converted the Delian League into a virtual empire and continued to collect the funds to maintain its naval supremacy at little cost to itself. This strength allowed it to intervene in the affairs of other states, which formed the Peloponnesian League as a counter. With continuing Athenian adventurism, conflicts arose which laid the path to war.

How was Persia able to defeat Athens in the Pelopnnesian War?

The 27-year Peloponnesian War was between Athens and its empire, and the Peloponnesian League of Greek city-states led by Sparta. The Persians intervened late in the war by giving the Peloponnesians the money to get a fleet able to stand up to the hitherto dominant Athenian fleet, so causing Athens to lose the war.