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No. Once they die they do.

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Q: Is it true that the beloved person of the pharaohs are buried with them though they are not dead?
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Was Cleopatras husband buried with her?

No, Tutankhamen was buried alone like most (in not all) other pharaohs. His wife Ankhesenamun was buried in another grave. Both are buried in the Valley of the Kings though. In previous time of Egypt's ancient history, when pharaohs were still buried in pyramids, their wives had much smaller pyramids next to the pharaohs pyramid. Like the great pyramid of Giza (tomb of Khufu) has three minor pyramids at the feet of it, they are tombs of Khufu's wives. In the tomb of Tutankhamen though, there was two fetuses buried with him, which are most probably unborn children of Ankhesenamun and the pharaoh.

During what period of Egyptian history were the three great pyramids of Egypt built?

it was during the Old Kingdom. after that, they buried the pharaohs in the valley of the kings to make the graves not so obvious, because grave robbers were stealing the valuable stuff the pharaohs were buried with. that did not help much though :)

Where were pharohs buried?

In the earlier periods of Egyptian history, pharaohs were buried in the underground chambers below pyramids. Pyramids were built through the entire reign of the pharaoh to provide a grand tomb for them in the afterlife. Eventually though, people began to break into the pyramids and steal the treasures meant for the pharaohs in the afterlife, so the Egyptians began to bury their pharaohs in the Valley of the Kings to keep their whereabouts (along with their treasure) safe.

Where were the pharaohs of the old kingdom buried?

they buried them in big tombs with clothes and furniture for the "next life".

Are pyramids built for burying kings or pharaohs?

Pharaohs were the Egyptian kings. Though the egyptians did not call them kings, but pharaohs. So the pyramids were built fir pharaohs/kings.

What were the pharaohs buried IN?

Pharohs weren't actually buried in pyramids, there are little rooms inside the pyramids that the parohs and their possesions were put in. but first they went through the mumification process. so the pharos were stored in rooms in their coffins. sometimes they even got a whole pyramid dedicated to them. depending on how important they were.

What is a Pharaohs religion?

the pharaohs were considered to be gods in human form, that's why when they were buried they were buried the way they were so they would be prepared to enter into the afterlife, and be a god in heaven or whatever they called it. It helped keep the people in check as they wouldn't want to anger the gods and have their wrath come down on them. Granted, there were still problems and sometimes the pharaohs were overthrown or killed by family or someone who was power hungry or whatever, and Egypt would fall into a state of chaos and disarray but the pharaohs would always bring order to the land again. though maybe it took a different pharaoh to do it then the one who caused the chaos and whatnot.

Did Egyptian have kings or queens?

Even though they're normally called Pharaohs, the Egyptians usually had kings/male Pharaohs, they did have two queens/female Pharaohs, Hatsheput and Cleopatra.

Did the pharaohs women covers their faces?

No but good question

Is raedwald buried at sutton hoo?

King Raedwald of East Anglia is thought to have died in about 624, though records on him are very scant. Some of the dates of births and deaths from this period are off by as much as ten years or more. He probably would have been buried very soon after death. One thing to mention, however, is that we do not actually know who was buried at Sutton Hoo, and the evidence that Raedwald was buried there is very inconclusive; he is just the person though to be most probably buried there.

Where was george meade buried?

He was buried in Pennsylvania. Ia'm not sure what grave site though.

What was the difference between Egyptian Pharaoh's and Mesopotamian kings?

Peopel though Pharaohs were gods