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Q: Is it true that using tissue to clear mucus makes a cold worse?
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Is it possible to have the mucus gland removed from the body?

There is no singular mucus gland, as mucus can be created on the linings on lungs and in your nose, therefore, there is no mucus gland, and it cannot be 'entirely' removed. You can delay the effects of mucus by using nasal de congestion sprays This simple answer to your question would have to be No.

How do you use and adjective in a sentence using the word current?

That house was peculiarly current and modern. Hope that makes it clear -oscar

Which organ system is shown in this picture?

the picture is an unlabelled inside diagram of the lungs. It shows how your oesophagus keeps your airways clear of mucus, dirt or anything else that might threaten to block it using cilia which have a hairline structure.

What is a sentence using tissue?

Please, use a tissue and blow your nose.

How is it possible to observe and compare muscle tissue by using a microscope?

how is possible to observe and compare muscle tissue by using a microscope

Is it true that using a tissue makes a flu worse?

Yes it is because in the factory that it is made in the workers put their hands on it and touch other machines and stuff which get germs

The major style change that makes Army writing clear direct communication is?

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What is tissue repair?

Tissue repair refers to the regeneration of damaged tissue using cells of the same type. It could either be a physical or mechanical restoration of the injured tissue.

Is it normal for your period to be clumpy thick and dark?

Yes, it's normal for your period to be clumpy and thick. Your period isn't just blood but also uterine cells, uterine tissue, discharge, and mucus, so on heavier days when there is more tissue present it will look thicker and mucus can also thicken up flow too. As long as you're using correct menstrual products to deal with it you're fine, and as long as there is no bad odour everything is healthy.

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when my mom had pneumonia, she would often expectorate phlegm like mucus.

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How is a transurethral bladder resection done?

a lighted tube (resectoscope) is inserted through the urethra, into the bladder. A clear solution is infused to maintain visibility, and the tumor or tissue to be examined is cut away using an electric current. Tumor and.