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In most states the answer would be no because such convictions are NOT a matter of public record and the conviction and its details are sealed. Depending on the juvenile's life plans and the nature of the offense sometimes it is a worthwhile effort. For example if he or she wishes to work in law enforcement, as an attorney, in classified government jobs (especially federal ones), then he or she will have to report juvenile convictions, unless such convictions have been expunged.

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Q: Is a juvenile misdemeanor worth expunging?
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How do you seal a juveniles record in tx?

Once the juvenile reaches the age of adulthood, their juvenile record should become automatically sealed to the public. I am not aware of any specifc procedures for expunging a juvenile's record while the individual is STILL a juvenile.

How long until a misdemeanor is sealed in Florida?

A juvenile misdemeanor is sealed when one turns 18. An adult misdemeanor will always remain on your record.

What is the procedure for expunging a possession of paraphernalia misdemeanor charge?

It depends on the state. Check your local laws. Most places its the same as a felony conviction with a different form. Try googling "Expungement" and your state.

Can you have a juvenile record expunged in Colorado if you've had a subsequent misdemeanor conviction as an adult?

Yes. You must petition the court to get your juvenile records expunged. Misdeamenors as adults don't affect your previous record as a juvenile.

Will a non vehicle related misdemeanor as a juvenile affect insurance premiums when said person is an adult?

It shouldn't

How long does a class c misdemeanor stay on your record is you are a juvenile?

It will always remain on your juvenile record, but when you turn 18 (it can vary depending on your state) it will be sealed to all but law enforcement and the courts.

How long does a class c misdemeanor stay on a juveniles record in Texas?

It will always remain on the juvenile record, but juvenile records are customarily sealed to the general public when the juvnile reaches their 18th birthday.

What are synonyms of erasure?

expunging, expunction

If you got a ticket for daytime curfew is it a misdemeanor?

Yes, but can depend on the jurisdiction and/or age of the defendent. For example, a curfew violation of a juvenile is considered a status offense, not a misdemeanor.

How does one clear a first time misdemeanor from his record?

There is no general answer that can be given. Each state has a specific laws and requirements for the EXPUNGING of criminal records. Check with your local court or contact an attorney - you will probably need to consult with one anyway, this is NOT a do-it-yourself project.

Who could be charge with a violation if a fourteen year is not wearing a seatbelt?

The driver will get a moving violation and the teenager in most states will have a juvenile misdemeanor on his/her record.

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