

Is it wrong to want a cure for Asperger's Syndrome?

Updated: 8/18/2019
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14y ago

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This question is asking for an opinion, and it is one about which people are very passionate. I will share my opinion because I think there are several aspects to this debate. Other people may have very different opinions.

  • If you are a person with Asperger's Syndrome who wants a cure for yourself, I think that is your personal choice. It is right for you.
  • If you have a family member or friend with AS whose impairments severely affect his or her functioning and you want enough of a cure so that the person can function (such as being able to communicate with others, to leave the house to run necessary errands, to hold a job), I do not think that is wrong. Although, I think, when possible, you should ascertain whether the person with AS wants a cure.
  • If you have a family member or friend with AS who can function at a level with which that person is satisfied but want a cure because you are inconvenienced by some of the impairments, I think that is wrong.
  • If you want a cure because you think everyone should be the same, I think that is wrong.

These are my opinions, not right or wrong answers. Often, people with Asperger's Syndrome view the condition as part of what makes them the people they are and would not want a cure that turns them into something different. A few others do want a cure for themselves because of the severity of their impairments.

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Yes, eugenics is always wrong.

Autism is a neurological difference so the only way to 'cure' autism would be to eradicate Autistic people via genetic testing to allow for pre-natal screening to allow abortion of Autistic people, genetic modification, and potentially sterilization of Autistic people to remove autism from the gene pool.

Some Autistic people may want a cure, but this primarily comes down to misunderstanding or internalized ableism. There's nothing inherently bad about autism, a persons symptoms may be bad and thus treatment is the answer not changing who you are by changing your entire brain - which is obviously not possible anyway, no matter how much some people may want to be someone else.

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Q: Is it wrong to want a cure for Asperger's Syndrome?
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