

Is kerosene non polar

Updated: 8/9/2023
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16y ago

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Kerosene is a non-polar molecule. This is because it has an evenly distributed electric charge, whereas the electric charge of polar molecules are not evenly distributed throughout the molecule.

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9y ago
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16y ago

Kerosene is a non-polar molecule. It is a hydrocarbon.


Click here for more information about kerosene from]

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14y ago

it is a mixture of alkanes between 6 and 16 carbons therefore non polar.

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11y ago

Oil is non-polar

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9y ago

Kerosene is a non-electrolyte.

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12y ago

Yes, it is

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12y ago

It is not.

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Q: Is kerosene non polar
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No. Kerosene is an organic compound. and water is a non-organic compound. (kerosene : non-polar Water : polar). As water is a polar solvent kerosene is not soluble in it. but kerosene is soluble in ethyl alcohol which is a non-polar solvent.

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kerosene does not dissolve in water because it is a non polar liquid while water is polar so due to different nature they are insoluble. kerosene due to less density floats over water surface.

What is the solubility of sugar in kerosene?

NO, because sugar is a polar substance while kerosene is non-polar. Non-polar liquids will only dissolve non-polar solids.

Is ethanol soluble in kerosene?

ethanol (i.e ethyl alcohol) is a polar solvent. So ethanol is soluble in water. But Kerosene is non-polar solvent. Like dissolves like. This phenomenon is used here. Kerosene can dissolve non-polar solvents like naphthalene, which is a non-polar solvent.

Is water soluble in Kerosene? This website through Encarta will explain to you the properties of Kerosene and tell you that it is insoluble. Kerosene with most other Alkanes are non polar, water is polar. Non polar molecules can only dissolve with other non polar molecules. The same for polar in that they cannot dissolve in any other but polar molecules.

What compound most dissolve in hexane?

Hexane is a non-polar solvent, so it will not dissolve in water. Kerosene is non-polar so it will dissolve in Hexane.

What do you keep sodium in?

In non-polar solvents such as kerosene, hexane, pentane

Why is Iodine more soluble in kerosene than water?

chemical make-up, In detail, The chemical reaction of the kerosene upon the iodine, It "shakes hands" and bonds with and therefore is more interactive allowing fluid reply.

Can kerosine dissolved?

Kerosene is a non polar solvent (or non ionic solvent) and cannot dissolve an ionic compound such as salt.

What happens when you add soap to kerosene and water mixture?

Basically water is a polar solvent, meaning it has a positive and negative charge on it and kerosene is non polar the dipoles cancel so it has no charge. The solubility rule is that like substances dissolve like so water would mix with another polar molecule and kerosene would mix with a non polar molecule, hence why the two cant mix very well.

Why do mothball powder and margarene dissolve in kerosene but not in the water?

Because "like dissolves like" eg. polar substances dissolve polar substances. Mothball powder, margarine, and kerosene are all non-polar. Water however is polar, so the mothball powder and margarine cannot dissolve in it.