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Q: Is a small toothed whale a tertiary consumer?
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Is a whale a tertiary consumer?

its mo

Is a whale a producer primary consumer or secondary consumer?


Is a Beluga whale a toothed whale?

Yes..A small whale, with a bulbous forehead and whitish coloration.

What is the trophic level of a blue whale?

tertiary consumer

Is the white whale a baleen or toothed whale?

Toothed whale.

Is a bottlenose a toothed whale or baleen whale?

Toothed whale

Is the white whale a toothed whale or a baleen whale?

toothed whale you idot

What are the two types of whale one is toothed whale and other is?

a no toothed whale lol

Is the killer whale the only toothed whale?

No killer whales are not the only toothed whale.

What is the fourth largest toothed whale?

the false killer whale is the fourth largest toothed whale

Is a baleen whale more social then a toothed whale?

Baleen whales are found solitary or in small groups called pods. The Killer Whale, Orca orca, is a toothed whale, noted for being especially sociable, cooperating as a pod when hunting.

Is a blue whale primary consumer or a secondary consumer or a top level consumer?

The blue whale is a tertiary consumer, They feed on krill which are tiny crustaceans that feed on phytoplankton (plants). The whales' only natural predator is the orca which would make the orca the top level consumer.