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Absolutely not. It is banned internationally

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Q: Is killing of rhinos legal in south Africa?
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Related questions

How many rhinoceroses are in South Africa?

south Africa has about 3,000 or less rhinos

What is the rhinos original country?

Rhinos are native to both Africa and South Asia

What are the latest statistics on the rhino population in South Africa?

There are an estimated 19,409 white rhinos and 1,752 black rhinos in South Africa. Since 1970 poachers have killed 90% of the rhino population in South Africa.

What country do black rhinos come from?

Black Rhinoceros (diceros bicornis) can be found in South Africa, Namibia and Zimbabwe. Black Rhinos are from Africa.

What does south Africa lifts 13-year ban on elephant killing mean?

It means that South Africa has lifted the ban on killing elephants and people can now freely kill them without fearing about any legal prosecution. Note: This is a rumor or a hoax. All countries have banned killing of elephants.

What is the latest statistic of the black and white Rhino population in South Africa?

As of the latest statistics in 2010, there are over 18,000 white rhinos found in South Africa. In addition, there are slightly over 22,000 black rhinos.

Past 2 years statistics of poaching of rhinos in sa?

yes, in South Africa

The most southern country where rhinos roams?

The most southern country where rhinos live is South Africa. The nation boasts a population of over 16,000 white rhinos. That outnumbers all the rhinos in other countries combined.

Is a degree from wevac regonised in South Africa?

is a degree from wevac legal in south africa

What can you do to stop the poaching of rhinos in south Africa?

Well. You could donate to some sort of cause to stop it

Is the contraceptive pill legal in South Africa?

Yes the pill is legal in South Africa, however it needs to be prescribed by a qualified medical doctor

Is prostitution legal in south Africa?
