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Pregnancy doesnt affect the colour of urine. lighter urine probably means you are drinking enough fluid.

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Q: Is light urine color during pregnancy ok?
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Is dark urine color during pregnancy ok?

yes its your hormones

What color should urine be during early pregnancy?

Is it bright yellow

Why urine comes brown during 6week pregnancy?

Brown urine is never normal, increase your fluids, if this doesn't change the color back to very light yellow call your doctor.

Can urine color change during early pregnancy?

No it does not have to change colour if you are pregnant.

Does your urine look light yellow when in early pregnancy?

The color of the urine is based on how much you drink, not whether you are pregnant or not. You can not tell that by looking at your urine.

Does change in color of urine mean you are pregnant?

No ususally darker urine means you need to drink more water. The color of urine is not a sign of pregnancy.

What is straw color of urine?

This is generally a light yellow color.

What is trace in urine during pregnancy?

There is a hormone that can be traced in your urine when you are pregnant, and that is called the HCG hormone. Advanced pregnancy tests can detect this hormone & what percentage of the HCG hormone that is in your urine.

Can you change the color of your urine physically?

Yes, disease, pregnancy, dehydration can all change the color of your urine. You can also change the color by simply drinking a lot of liquids with food coloring in them

Is dark yellow urine a symptom of pregnancy?

The color of your urine does indicate a pregnancy, whether there are or ar not other symptoms present, it just doesnt.

What color should your urine be after taking a homemade toothpaste pregnancy test?

There are no home made pregnancy tests. Toothpaste can not pick up on pregnancy hormones.

Can you tell the difference between pregnancy urine with normal urine?

Yes. Sometimes it can be lighter in color or slightly cloudy. If you are urinating more frequently than normal, it may be a sign of pregnancy.