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Q: Is loss of bladder control in dogs a side effect of the antibotic amoxcil?
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How does parasympathetic stimutaion effect the bowel?

The parasympathetic effect on urination will be that of bladder stimulation and resultant voiding of urine. If this stimulation is ecessive it will result in the bladder not being able to hold the urine until voluntary voiding of the urine thus a clinical effect of urinary incontinet results because of lack of control of bladder contraction by the individual.

What antibotic cannot be can be used in pregnancy?

Most antibiotics aren't administered to pregnant women. It can have adverse effect on their systems. It can also effect the unborn child.

Why do i get a sharp cramp pain in my bladder after taking a birth control pill?

That's not a known side effect. If you're having cramping in your bladder, see your health care provider for an exam.

Can your bladder stones prevent you from becoming pregnant?

No, bladder stones have no effect on fertility.

Does working with a notebook on your lap make your bladder overactive?

No this won't effect your bladder.

When do we urine during warm weather or cold?

Dude, urine is not a verb. Also, weather doesn't effect when you need to go, the fullness and control of your bladder does.

Can taking Dihydrocodeine regularly effect bladder control?

at high levels opiates can cause urinary retention, making it difficult to pee or keep a steady stream.

Can cats cause urinary or bladder infections in people?

NO! In what way could a cat effect a bladder problem????????

Can a bladder infection effect your pregnancy im 7 months?

An untreated bladder infection during pregnancy can increase the odds of preterm labor.

Can marijuana effect your bladder?

It effects your whole body and most of all your brain.

Does steriods effect birth control pills?

No, steroids will not effect how birth control work.

What is the cars effect of the speed?

Bro idk Im looking for bladder facts Lol