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They are not the same but are closely related.

A scale is any series of notes that goes from a note to the same pitched note an octave higher or lower. So a scale goes from C to C, or from E flat to E flat, and so on.

A major scale is a special scale pattern that forms the basis of most Western music.

A major key is the key that the music is played in. For any given key, the default notes will be the notes in the major scale of the same name.

So in the key of C major the default notes are the 7 notes in the C major scale, and in the key of E flat major the default notes are the 7 notes in the E flat major scale.

To further clarify, the interval between the two C's or E flats is called an octave. There are twelve specific notes in the octave. lets start with A. (Some notes have two names and they will be given in parentheses (The symbol # is pronounced sharp, the symbol b is pronounced flat). The notes are A, (A#, Bb), B, C, (C#, Db), D, (D#, Eb), E, F, (F#, Gb), G, (G#, Ab). A major scale uses seven of those notes. They are the starting point, skip one, then skip again, then the next one, skip, skip skip. So if you start with C, you get C, D, E, F, G, A, B and end it with the note of the next octave, C. This makes eight, hence the name octave.

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Q: Is major keys the same with major scale?
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What are the minor keys and its definition?

The minor keys usually have a darker sound and feel to them - as opposed to the major keys which sound generally brighter. The minor keys are based on the sixth degree of a given major scale (lets take D major as an example, if we go up six steps in this scale we get the notes D, E, F♯, G, A, and B). So B minor will have the same key signature as D major (with two sharps). In a major scale there are four semitones between the first and third degrees of the scale but in minor keys there are only three semitones. So in the D major scale the third scale degree (mediant) is F♯ but the same degree in D minor if F♮ (natural). As with the major keys, minor keys can also contain up to seven sharps or flats in their key signature too.

What keys are in a C major scale?

The keys are C D E F G A B, there are no key signatures in C major scale

What are minor and major keys?

Major keys tend to sound happier and minor keys tend to sound dark or sad. Major keys have different patterns than minor keys if you start on the first note of the scale and play up the scale. I like to use C major because on a piano, you can start on a C and play up the scale without using any black keys...meaning it has no sharps or flats in the key signature. If you play from C to C on the major scale then you will see that each step is either a half step or a whole step. No matter what note you start on, it will have that same pattern if it is a major key. Now go down two white keys on the piano to the A. If you start there and play up the scale to the next A without playing any black keys on the piano, you will be playing a A natural minor scale. Your notice that it is very similar to the C major scale. It has the same key signature but starts and ends on a different note. As you play up the scale, notice that each step will be either a half step or a whole step. Every natural minor scale has the same combination of half and whole steps no matter what note you start on. Also, A minor is the relative minor of C major because they have the same key signature. Try to think about a piano keyboard when thinking about music theory ideas. The great trumpet playing stated in his autobiography that everyone should learn the piano no matter what their primary instrument is.

What does a major scale have in common with its parallel minor scale?

A major scale and its relative minor scale share the same key signature.

How many black keys are played in a major g scale?

Only one: the F-sharp.

Related questions

What are the minor keys and its definition?

The minor keys usually have a darker sound and feel to them - as opposed to the major keys which sound generally brighter. The minor keys are based on the sixth degree of a given major scale (lets take D major as an example, if we go up six steps in this scale we get the notes D, E, F♯, G, A, and B). So B minor will have the same key signature as D major (with two sharps). In a major scale there are four semitones between the first and third degrees of the scale but in minor keys there are only three semitones. So in the D major scale the third scale degree (mediant) is F♯ but the same degree in D minor if F♮ (natural). As with the major keys, minor keys can also contain up to seven sharps or flats in their key signature too.

What keys are in a C major scale?

The keys are C D E F G A B, there are no key signatures in C major scale

How many black keys are played in a major g scale on a Piano?

The diatonic scale that is played mostly on the black keys is F# major (also known enharmonically as Gb Major). The scale that is played only on black keys is the five note F# pentatonic scale. (AKA Gb pentatonic scale).

Does a minor scale include both the black and white keys on a piano?

White keys are for the major scale, black keys for the minor.

What major keys has the same number of sharp and flats as the key of a minor?

C Major, zero flats and zero sharps. The minor scale with the same number of flats and sharps is A Minor.

What are minor and major keys?

Major keys tend to sound happier and minor keys tend to sound dark or sad. Major keys have different patterns than minor keys if you start on the first note of the scale and play up the scale. I like to use C major because on a piano, you can start on a C and play up the scale without using any black keys...meaning it has no sharps or flats in the key signature. If you play from C to C on the major scale then you will see that each step is either a half step or a whole step. No matter what note you start on, it will have that same pattern if it is a major key. Now go down two white keys on the piano to the A. If you start there and play up the scale to the next A without playing any black keys on the piano, you will be playing a A natural minor scale. Your notice that it is very similar to the C major scale. It has the same key signature but starts and ends on a different note. As you play up the scale, notice that each step will be either a half step or a whole step. Every natural minor scale has the same combination of half and whole steps no matter what note you start on. Also, A minor is the relative minor of C major because they have the same key signature. Try to think about a piano keyboard when thinking about music theory ideas. The great trumpet playing stated in his autobiography that everyone should learn the piano no matter what their primary instrument is.

How many major keys are in a chord?

You'll have to rephrase your question. There are no major keys in a chord. A chord is three or more notes sounded simultaneously. A major key is the set of notes in a major scale. There are chords within keys, there are no keys within chords.

G-flat major is exactly the same major scale and on the same pitches as what other major scale?

F# major

Same number of sharps and flats as the key of A minor?

C Major, zero flats and zero sharps. The minor scale with the same number of flats and sharps is A Minor.

Why doesnt the c major scale have any black notes?

Because none of the notes in that scale are on any of the black keys.

Why are there two white keys in the G flat major scale?

The G-flat major scale has six flats: B-flat, E-flat, A-flat, D-flat, G-flat, and C-flat. There is only one non-flat key - F - which is a white key. The reason why there are two white keys in the scale is because C-flat is the same as B-natural (which is a white key).

What does a major scale have in common with its parallel minor scale?

A major scale and its relative minor scale share the same key signature.