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== == Neither. They are produced at the exact same rate because they are produced together as a set when one cell splits to become two separate sperm cells. Every human carries two full sets of DNA chromosomes in every cell, except the sperm or egg cells which carry only one set each. Let's call one person Pete. When Pete was conceived he got one set of 24 chromosomes from his father's sperm (23 regular chromosomes [autosomes] and one Y sex chromosome), and 24 from his mother's egg (23 regular chromosomes [autosomes] and one X sex chromosome). When the egg and the sperm meet the two sets of DNA get mixed up, and then reassembled into two unique sets, each set having 23 autosomes (which are shuffled versions of mom and dad's autosomes) and a sex chromosome. These 2 unique sets are Pete's personal genetic code. When Pete matures and begins to make sperm, his body will take regular cells, which contain the 2 sets of 24 chromosomes, and separate the two sets, sending one set to one sperm cell and the other set to one other sperm cell. Pete now has two sperm cells, one carrying a blend of his mom and dad's autosomes and dad's Y chromosome and one carrying a blend of his mom and dad's autosomes and mom's X chromosome. He will make Billions of sperms in pairs in this way, 2 by 2, so that one X carrying sperm and one Y carrying sperm are created simultaneously. Egg cells only have X sex chromosomes, so when Pete's X-carrying sperm hits Jenny's egg, a new cell will be created with 2 X chromosomes and will be a female. Likewise, when Pete's Y-carrying sperm hits Helen's egg, it will yield an XY - a male.

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Q: Is male or female sperm reproduced faster?
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First of all, females don't HAVE sperm cells, they have eggs instead. Second, females are BORN with eggs already inside them whereas males produce new sperm every day, therefore it takes 9 months for eggs to be MADE and a few weeks for them to MATURE. Male sperm only takes 1 day.

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