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yeah math will take you anywhere in live

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Q: Is math more important than reading and writting?
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Which is more important reading or math?

reading,because everything you do,you have to read even in math.

With is better for you math or reading?

A well-balanced life would include both, but if we have to choose, reading is more important.

Is math or reading better?

Math is just slightly more correlated than Reading, however this difference is so small that it is overshadowed by differences between different skills within these disciplines. ... While both correlations are highly significant, it's important to note that these are by no means perfect correlations.

What are basic preschool activities to practice with my child?

If you can teach him how to read and do basic math then he will be more than ready. A love for reading is really important to instill.

How many more people like reading than math?


What did the colonial kids study?

Colonial kids spent a lot of time studying religion. They also studied math and reading. Boys' studies focused more on math, while girl's studies focused more on reading.

Is math harder than reading?

People's abilities differ. Some find math harder and some find reading harder. But reading is more basic--you need it just to get around in the world. And you have to be able to "read" (interpret written symbols) in order to do math. Some people find math harder, and some people find reading harder. It depends on whether you have a logical, mathematical sort of mind or an intuitive, imaginative sort of mind! i believe that reading is harder than math.

What is reading important?

Reading gives you knowledge and broadens your horizons, the more you read the smarter you will be and the more doors of opportunity will open for you. for me it is very important,because reading is the best key to your sucess.!!

What you do in math and reading?

Math you do Possibility, Addition, Subtraction, Grouping, Multiplying, Dividing, Algebra, Patterns, 1-D, 2-D, and 3-D shapes. Motion geometry, Too much I can't name that much more. Reading you can do reading comprehension, worksheets, oral reading only.

What subjects did colonial students study?

reading, writing, math, history, science, and much more :)

What is important about 1467 in math?

1467 is no more or less important than most numbers.

What is more important math or surgery?

Math is more important because without math we couldn't do surgery. I disagree, where do you use math in surgery? Surgery has been done for centuries without math. If you get hurt and need surgery do you call in a mathematician to help with the surgery. I work for a surgery company and I have never seen a mathematician while surgery's are performed.