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This is an inflammation of the meningeal lamina that surrounds the brain and the spine marrow. This is septic, which means "infected".

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Q: Is meningitis in dogs contagious
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Is viral meningitis or enciphelitis contagious?

Meningitis (viral or bacterial) is infectious and can be highly contagious. Usually anyone in close contact with someone who gets bacterial meningitis will be given antibiotics as well.

How contagious is tuberculous meningitis?

It is very contagious and is usually spread through intimate contact, kissing, drinking from the same bottle or glass. sharing towels keeping tooth brushes in close contact etc.

What is an example of highly contagious bacterial disease?

Bacterial meningitis.

Is Carcinomatous Meningitis contagious?

No, its not in the blood stream but in the spinal fluid. ?

Is bacterial spinal meningitis contagious?

i dont

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Parvo is very contagious to unvaccinated dogs and puppies. It is not contagious to humans.

Can dogs contract meningitis from other dogs?

Cases of meningitis in dogs are usually caused by bacteria, viruses, fungi, protozoa or rickettsia. Other causes, such as chemical agents, are not as common, according to the Merck Veterinary Manual. So, i do think dogs can contract meningitis from other dogs. Read more: Cases of Meningitis in Dogs |

Is meningitis is a communicable disease?

The viruses that cause viral meningitis are contagious

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Yes strep throat is contagious to dogs. I have strep throat right now and am worried I gave it to my dog.

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Where can a person find the symptoms of meningitis?

The person wishing to inquire about meningitis symptoms can call his/her local physician's office, or health department, as it is a highly-contagious, mosquito-borne illness that is a threat to public safety.

Is kettle cough contagious to other dogs?

It is called kennel cough and yes it is very contagious.