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All planets, including Mercury, have elliptical orbits around the Sun, which means they vary in their distance from the Sun. Mercury's orbit is highly elliptical (oval in shape) because there is a large difference between its closest and farthest distance from the Sun (46 million to 70 million kilometers). Earth's orbit is nearly circular, only varying in distance by about 3%.


More information: Mercury has the most elliptical of the planets' orbits with an eccentricity of 0.2056. The Sun is off-centre by 1/5 of the average radius, so the minimum and maximum distances from the Sun, when Mercury is at either end of the major axis, are very different.

However, even with this eccentricity, Mercury's orbit is still nearly circular, with the major and minor axes differing by less than 2½%.

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It is elliptical (oval in shape), with the distance from the Sun varying from 46 million to 70 million kilometers during its orbit.

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