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Molecular movement is directly related to temperature. As temperature increase, the additional energy is absorbed by the molecules. This energy is converted to motion energy and the molecules will move faster.

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Q: Is molecular movement directly related of inversely related to temperature?
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What is the molecular movement in sublimation?

molecular movement is so fast that's y they directly change from solid to liquid............

Does the kinetic molecular theory need a temperature?

I would suppose so as without temperature there is no movement of molecules. That is what temperature is; the movement of molecules. Absolute zero in temperature would mean the complete stoppage of all molecular movement.

What is the temperature in which there is no molecular movement?

absolute zero

Does an increase in molecular weight speed up molecular movement?

no relation iz between molecular weight and movement which iz a function of temperature only.

What does Molecular Motion mean?

When the temperature increases during a chemical or physical change the molecular movement increases. This means the molecular movement is faster. If the temperature decreases the molecular movement decreases. This means the molecular movement is slower.

What is the definition of thermostat?

it tells the temperature (or molecular movement) it is the same thing

Why is absoulute zero is the theoretical lowest temperature?

Because temperature is actually a measure of molecular/particle movement and absolute zero is where there is no movement at all.

What is the lowest kelvin temperature and what happens at this temperature?

The lowest kelvin temp is 0 K. All molecular movement stops.

When the temperature of the gas increase do the molecules slow down?

No. As temperature increases, particle movement increases.

What is the measurement that starts with absolute zero?

Well, one measurement that is on a scale that starts with absolute zero is temperature.

What is the molecular movement of melting?

the molecular movement is fluid. As a solid, movement was at a minimum, so as it is melting the molecules are moving more freely