

Is muscle soreness good

Updated: 9/17/2019
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Q: Is muscle soreness good
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Related questions

What does muscle soreness differ from injury?

A muscle injury is a tear or bruise of the muscle itself. Muscle soreness is more commonly the burning from lactic acid trapped in the muscles that is burned off with strenuous use of the muscle.

What can be the cause of muscle soreness other than exercise?

You can pop a muscle

What is the result of muscle overuse?

Muscle overuse results in soreness and stiffnessof the muscles.

What are the leading hypothesis for delayed on est muscle soreness?

The leading hypothesis for delayed onset muscle soreness are the: connective tissue damage hypothesis the skeletal muscle damage hypothesis the spasm hypothesis

What is One cause of muscle soreness is?

Exercise and working out

PEMS is an acronym for?

Post Exercise Muscle Soreness

Is it good to exercise sore?

Make sure to stretch before and after exercise, it reduces the lactic acid in the muscles reducing soreness. If it's soreness from the rebuilding of muscle then it's fine but if it's soreness due to injury then don't exercise without consent of a doctor.

What causes muscle soreness and how is it best relieved?

A build up in lactic acid can cause muscle soreness. Also, it is important to get a good source of protein so your muscles have more building blocks to repair themselves, and cardio exercise (anything that raises your heart rate)

What produces muscle soreness?

Well, it could be the fact you're not used to using it or using it in the way you recently did. Happens a lot from that. The scientific answer to what produces muscle soreness is lactic acid.

DOMS stands for delayed onset muscle soreness?


What does the acronym DOMS abbreviate?

Delayed onset muscle soreness

What molecule that causes muscle stiffness and soreness?

Mrs. Everitt