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Abuse shouldn't happen but it happens. Most people tell themselves that the person will change, but they rarely do. My advice is to stay away from the abuser. They don't deserve you if they abuse you. Plus the person may get more violent and seriously hurt you or worse.


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Q: Is natural to feel sad and go back to your abuser even when you have left them?
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Abusers are bad. Period. It is common for someone who has been abused to feel lonely when the abuser becomes absent, but it is because of the stress of change. If you feel yourself running back to your abuser, get help. The situation will only escalate otherwise.

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yes: their virginity counts you sexual abuser!

How do you get your boyfriend back on the phone?

It's probably better to do it face to face, as I've always been told. But if you somehow can't, if you really want him back then you're toughts and words should feel natural. You don't even have to ask hun. - Smiley :)

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