

Is noise an internal stimulus

Updated: 8/9/2023
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It is an external stimulus.

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Q: Is noise an internal stimulus
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What internal stimulus most likely drives a lioness to search for prey?

hunger,when she senses her babies are hungrey

A mouse runs for cover in the presence of a cat the cat is an example of stimulus Innate Internal Learned External?

When a mouse runs for cover in the presence of a cat the cat is an example of an external stimulus. Mice have an innate fear of cats, but the cat itself would be an external stimuli.

Is a rabbit runs away from a fox an example of an internal stimulus?

No, that would be an example of external stimulus. The fox is external to the rabbit.Internal stimulus is stimuli that comes from inside our own bodies, for example:my stomach is empty and this stimulates my stomach to "growls" so I go and find something to eat.External stimulus is stimuli that comes from outside our own bodies, for example:I walk past a hamburger shop and the smells stimulates nose and makes my mouth water for a "Big Mac" or a "Whopper", so I go inside and order the "full meal deal".

How are a stimulus and a response related?

They are directly related. Homeostasis is an environments ability to maintain stbility in a regular cycle, but when something new is introduced, the environment is able to respond to a new occurance, or stimulus, and responds in order to survive and return to maintaining a normal cycle. Without response to a new stimulus, environments would be unable to maintain homeostasis and would die out!

What does an organism react to a stimulus with?

an organism react to a stimulus by its senses

Related questions

What the definition of internal noise?

phenomenon of repeated presentations of the same stimulus producing a range of slightly different internal representations

What is internal stimulus?

Internal Stimulus means to motivate from within.

What is the different between an external stimulus and an internal stimulus?

The difference between an external stimulus and an internal stimulus is that an external stimulus is a stimulus that comes from outside an organism. But an internal stumulus is a stimulus that comes from inside an organism. An example for an external stimulus can be that when you are cold, you put on a jacket. An example for an internal stimulus is that when you feel hungry, you eat food.

What is the reaction to a stimulus by a muscle or gland called?

A stimulus can be internal or external. An example of an internal stimulus is feeling hunger or feeling the need to urinate. An example of an external stimulus is hearing a loud noise or touching a hot object.A response is what you to voluntarily or involuntarily in response. Your response to hunger is to eat. Your response to touching a hot object is to jerk you hand away reflexively.

How does a stimulus and a reaction work?

A reaction is any response to a stimulus. Example:There's a loud noise (Stimulus), the dog turns his head to look for the noise (Response)

Organism responding to a stimulus?

All organisms respond to a stimulus. An example would be being startled by a loud noise. The noise is the stimulus and the reaction is you being startled.

What do internal stimulus do?

It helps an organism survive. Internal stimulus stimulates and effects the body from the inside out.

Is stimulus a reaction to an internal event?

A stimulus is not a reaction, a stimulus is what causes a reaction.

What is an example of an internal stimulus and an external stimulus?

external is thunder

What is an internal noise?

An internal noise is defined as noise from within which is commonly related to the mind. This noise cannot be heard by outsiders.

What does an internal stimulus mean?

Internal Stimulous means to motivate from within.

Is Hunger a stimulus?

internal - mookie (mouliq)