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False the answer is carbon not oxygen ^_^

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Q: Is oxygen the element that forms the backbone of most polymers?
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What element forms the backbone of most polymers?

None. All elements are unique.

What kind of atom forms the backbone of monomer and a polymer?

The Carbon atom usually forms the backbone of polymers and quite often oxygen can do also as in polyether polyols etc.

The silica tetrahedron that forms the backbone of all the silicate minerals is composed of silicon and what other element?

usually oxygen

Is oxygen a charged?

As an element oxygen is neutral, but it forms negative ions.

Is oxygen anion or cation?

Oxygen is an element. It normally forms anions.

Is oxygen a negative charge?

As an element oxygen is neutral, but it forms negative ions.

Is oxygen an element compound or mixture?

its an element. It is usually encountered as O2. There are other allotropic forms the best known is O3 ozone.

Why is it important that oxygen forms a diatomic molecule?

It is the most stable form of oxygen as an element.

Is water and oxygen a compound?

No. Water is a compound. Oxygen is an element. Oxygen dissolved in water forms a mixture.

Is oxygen is element or compound?

Oxygen is both a compound and an element. In nature, Oxygen forms bonds with itself to form a compound consisting of two elemental oxygen atoms to form one compounded oxygen molecule. This is O2.

Molecule of oxygen?

The element oxygen has two molecular forms: O2 for 'plain' oxygen gas and O3 for ozone

What element forms a double bond with oxygen making a molecule with one atom of the element and one atom of oxygen?

Carbon, nitrogen, and oxygen itself all have this property.